I'm currently involved with several ventures to get liquid again... Soon as I do, I'm going to see her. She's like a fine treat that you need to indulge yourself with. It would be a trip to see her and if she recognized me. I highly doubt it, because she's had more than her fair share of clients, and I doubt she'll remember me... Maybe I should bring the tropical arrangement and champagne again. One thing is sure Mistress Rey, If you've seen it, you know just how much she can make a man take. Once I'm ready I'll have to check with her on who she's trained the best there to do a session. Sometimes people have innate capabilities and desires for certain fetishes, and Mistress Kang no doubt was born with those qualities. I'm so curious if she's cultivated any of the other players to be as much of an enthusiast as she is. If that is the case she might scare me away again. Good lord that woman is addictive! If I ever hit the Lottery for a huge jackpot... I'd have my mail forwarded to the Fortress, if she let me.