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  1. MISTRESS VON DIETZ...All I know is ALL MANKIND only has EYES FOR YOU...the GORGEOUS ENTITY of NO EQUAL...to literally DIEtz FOR INTERMINABLY...PLUS innate TORTUROUS PROCLIVITIES of most unbearable ultra SADISTIC PERFECTION as only her EXTREME BEAUTY will most ruthlessly allow...Lonewolf
  2. Lonewolf


    MISTRESS REY...YOUR most ENTICING ALLUREMENTS are most SENSUALLY APPARENT in your every VISION as YOU epitomize FEMALE SUPERIORITY at its most endearing TORTUROUS PRESENCE of unbearable male desires...to SUFFER FOR MOST INTERMINABLY...Lonewolf
  3. Lonewolf

    Windy Night

    MISTRESS JANE LI..."Windy Night" with a most SENSUALLY TORTUROUS DRIVEN female antagonist who lustfully thrives on her innate CRUELEST PROPENSITIES ruthlessly perpetuated in the presence of her most eagerly awaiting clientele...BRUTALLY CRUEL TORTUROUS PERFECTION personified...who smiles only when fully satiated with her CRUELEST endeavors fully enacted in session materialized...Lonewolf
  4. Hi need to serve...YES the winter is a most male visually deprived female environment as heavy clothing attire obscures the unbearable arousal of the female physicality...BUTT as warmer weather starts to prevail the HUMAN MALE ANIMAL is visually consumed with the eye popping visions of SENSUALLY CURVACEOUS FEMALE ANATOMY moving ever so lustfully alluringly...with ultra SOFT CURVY THIGHS in motion moving each steamy CREAMY BUTT CHEEK in a most TANTALIZING VISUALLY TORTUROUS array of male denial. BOTTOM LINE...look BUTT do not touch...Lonewolfs fetish allurements are related solely to the FEMALE PHYSICAL ENTIRETY of his endless male preoccupation.
  5. MISTRESS JUSTINE SHANKAR...Regarding "In love with my new necklace" But not nearly anywhere in LOVE as much as the endlessly LUSTFUL MALE ANIMAL whose innate unspeakable desires propel him into YOUR most envious TORTUROUS FEMALE PHYSICAL PRESENCE to endure the ultimate extremes of harshest MALE DEBASEMENT...with SHOCKINGLY SADISTIC SHANKAR...Lonewolf
  6. MISTRESS JUSTINE SHANKAR...waiting most impatiently while CRUELLY pondering the ultra extremes of her innate ruthless HUMAN FEMALE TO SUB HUMAN LUST DRIVEN MALE ANIMAL prerogatives most ritually SADISTICALLY implemented as her inborn insidious cruelest demeanor dictates interminably in her most barbaric unyielding presence...the strict empowerment of SENSUAL CASTRATING BEAUTY personified...Lonewolf hurting at the mere thought of her most INTIMIDATING TORTURE DRIVEN presence.
  7. Hi manclawz...Hello fellow BROOKLYN BDSM enthusiast...going forward YOUR personal health will most predictably BRUTALLY THRIVE interminably in the ultimate TORTUROUS KNOWN LUSTFUL PRESENCE and personally SADISTICALLY ENDURED CRUELEST FEMALE BEHAVIORS of most AGONIZINGLY PAINFUL GORGEOUS MISTRESSES whose individual cruelest propensities ever envisioned conceivable are ritualistically implemented and most submissively lustfully endured most passionately interminably...in other words...the one and only...INCOMPARABLE FETISH FORTRESS...where FEMALE SADISTIC PERFECTION thrives interminably on the CRUELEST ongoing expectations of their ever growing client enthusiasts...with me Lonewolf being most profoundly impressed after 18 impeccable sessions in less than 2 years...the endlessly ULTIMATE ONGOING BDSM PERFECTION BRUTALLY IN EVIDENCE INTERMINABLY...most impressively FETISH FORTRESS STYLE!!!
  8. Lonewolf

    MISTRESS JANE LI...YOU have that most TORTUROUS driven look SADISTICALLY envisioning YOUR TREACHEROUS lustfully driven SADISTIC FEMALE CRUELEST PROPENSITIES ruthlessly enacted in the presence of your most endlessly adoring male clients in YOUR most PAINFULLY PETITE ADORABLE presence...Lonewolf
  9. MISTRESS JUSTINE SHANKAR...Deep in SADISTIC thought about her most inhumane ultra TORTUROUS MALE INTERVENTIONS soon to be ruthlessly implemented as her ULTRA EROTIC SENSUALLY DEMANDING PRESENCE prevails interminably and there is NO saying NO in her unyielding brutalizing presence. Lonewolf
  10. Lonewolf

    wild wild boots

    MISTRESS REY...it hurts immensely to be in denial of YOUR MOST TORTUROUS INFLAMING FEMALE PHYSICALITY...YOUR ruthlessly depraved inhumane FEMALE DRIVEN MALE SADISTIC ATROCITIES are the only vicious viable cure known to mankind...Lonewolf
  11. Lonewolf

    morning tease

    MISTRESS REY..."morning tease"...YOU are SENSUALLY INFLAMING TORTUROUS MALE ALLUREMENT personified interminably...having mentally relived the the precious moments in sessions we were so LUSTFULLY PHYSICALLY CLOSE as you tied me down securely and fully implemented your ruthless SADISTIC FEMALE PREROGATIVES never ever envisioned even conceivable...Lonewolf with yet another one of his TORTUROUS BEAUTIES at the INCOMPARABLE FETISH FORTRESS...where every moment is BRUTAL LUSTFUL PERFECTION happily endured...an extremely hard to beat environment.
  12. Hi job1617...Regarding: "The return of the King! Welcome back" I fully appreciate the comment...but in session I end up getting the Kings ransom of intolerable female abuse fully sanctioned by their unyielding VISUALLY TORTUROUS FEMALE PHYSICAL ENTIRETY...Lonewolf
  13. Hi pat8685...Regarding "FETISH FORTRESS lovely Ladies HEALING POWERS"...OMG YES...during session the ultra TORTUROUS INVOLVEMENT of the SINFULLY VISUALLY CASTRATING FEMALES do inflame endless unspeakable male desires and as such has most lustfully enabled Lonewolf to carry on and endure interminably.
  14. Lonewolf

    MISTRESS VON DIETZ...Among the many visual background distractions YOUR STRIKINGLY BEAUTIFUL PHYSICAL FEMALE ALLUREMENT prevails interminably most lustfully...the GORGEOUS ENTITY of no equal...to literally DIEtz FOR INTERMINABLY...on this issue Lonewolf speaks for ALL mankind...past and present.
  15. Hi GDH94...YES I finally have returned to the TORTUROUS SENSUAL PRESENCE of the BRUTALLY GORGEOUS FEMALES at the INCOMPARABLE FETISH FORTRESS where unspeakable BDSM dreams are mutually agreed upon and realized in a safe environment of mutual respect...Lonewolf
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