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Everything posted by AromaLover21

  1. I'm back on the gym train after a fall off due to family, work, and stress. Used to hit push, pull, legs, 6x a week, had one rest day. Now I'm taking it slow with 3x a week full body split. Cardio every other day. 8 week program I wrote out. After that I'll do an upper lower split 4x a week. Aiming to trim back down to 225 first and if I still wanna lean out more 190-200. I'm expecting some strength loss but aiming to keep it minimal as the weight comes off.
  2. Oh this angle is devilishly delectable. Imagining the worship as you lay there. From the bottom of the boots to those heavenly mounds behind you.
  3. Welcome to the illustrious fortress! I look forward to meeting you, may my face prove ever so comfortable a seat 😌.
  4. Oh my, another mistress to offer my nose up to πŸ‘πŸ’¨πŸ‘ƒπŸΎ. Welcome to the fortress, look forward to meeting you.
  5. Koi Feng and Ito My nose will not rest that day Sniffing stinky air 😌
  6. I messed up with my first reply so here's another! A reunion soon Nose longing for fetid wind He awaits the worst πŸ‘πŸ’¨πŸ˜ˆπŸ˜Œ
  7. A reunion soon His nose to be pumped full He awaits the worst πŸ‘πŸ’¨πŸ˜Œ
  8. Oh how I'd love to be in beans position post dinner. Perfect blast zone πŸ‘πŸ’¨.
  9. Another "aroma" themed haiku 😌 She rules with a scent, A fart rises in the dark, He sniffs, nose flared wide.
  10. Forbidden perfume, A secret, shameful delight, Pleasure in the dark.
  11. A friend and play partner of mine wanted to celebrate by using me as her seat today. Let's just say it was a delightful aromatic experience πŸ‘πŸ’¨πŸ’¨πŸ₯΄. She was thorough in delivering her fragrance up this nose.
  12. Arroz con gandules via the rice cooker. My first attempt at Carne Guisada. My shoddy stovetop burners dont go low enough so I couldnt get the meat as tender as I'd have preferred but still tender enough to enjoy. Still delicous!
  13. 😭 I knew I should have snapped some pictures but my nieces wanted to eat so I served it immediately. I'll make some more and take some fresh pictures!
  14. Thanks man! I try to make sure I make some good eats when I cook. I made some arroz y gandules in a rice cooker today. Call me crazy 🀯 or a genius πŸ˜‚.
  15. Lol, from the traditional trumpet to the butt trumpet πŸŽΊπŸ‘πŸ’¨. I need another faceful of music πŸ’¨πŸŽΆ. What they call funk! 🀣. Definitely have some. It's always worth it! The way to the heart is through the tummy! Lol we had the same thought 🀣.
  16. Im gonna have to get some front row seats to that orchestra. I love the trumpet 😁! I love to go out for Brunch on the weekends. I wish I would have taken photos of the Turkish restaurant I went to for lunch with my family the weekend prior. Beautiful dishes and this hot hummus with melted cheese and pastrami that was exceptional. Eating the Balloon Bread with olives along with it? Magnifique! That sizzle is sweet music to the ears! I'll have to whip up a pan for you.
  17. All that food looks heavenly. With how well you eat, I'm surprised your tummy isn't a gas factory producing a derriere symphony! πŸ‘πŸ’¨πŸŽΊ πŸ˜‚ Here's what I made myself for a nice little brunch meal at home. Mixed potato hash w/peppers & onions paired with two eggs over medium Snapchat-824372334.mp4
  18. Oh my, I need find my nose nestled betwixt those cheeks. It's been far too long!
  19. I second that! Please schedule and let us know how that goes! Funny enough I had tried this awhile back and I've been wanting to return and do so once more! Also, love the display name my friend! Invokes a challenge that I'm sure the lovely ladies at the fortress will take you up on!
  20. The session was a bit of a mishap. Though thorough with their prep, the gas was not in abundance unfortunately. I still enjoyed my time nonetheless! I'll be going back for a redux. They really wanted to punish my nose so I will surely return for that. @Mistress Westwood had informed me that her perfume was deadly. I'll be back again to experience it soon.
  21. Don't be, follow my lead friend ?. Will do. ? Definitely going to report back, hopefully my nose is still attached to my face. They might blow it off ?.
  22. Going to be heavenly. Ooh, I wonder if I can sniff it all up before it reaches your noses ?. A challenge.
  23. I'm thoroughly excited. Let's see if the smell can make me tap! The perfect breakfast ?? Should I be worried? My nose will surely be the judge. Maybe I'm just a tad nervous but absolutely thrilled. Do. Your. WORST ?. I'd say my nose is ready.
  24. After some minor delays and a sudden change of plans. I'm currently awaiting my upcoming triple domme session with @Mistress Angel Feng@Mistress Diana Gong & @Mistress Westwood. This will be an exciting first for me. Can't wait to experience what you lovely ladies can brew for this sniffer ?. Looking forward to being blown away ?.
  25. I've had plenty ?, my stomach would damn near fall out of my ass until I finally decided to be open about my kinks. One time in particular I was about 10. I was just beginning to dabble in Youtube and I had searched "girl farts" and was surprised that those vids actually existed. Watched a few and thought I closed the browser only for my older brother to get on the computer and immediately go "WTH?" I laughed it off and he bought it thinking I was just searching up stupid videos ?.
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