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Everything posted by AromaLover21

  1. I forgot to add the titles: 2 girls 1 finger 2 kids 1 sandbox (not children at all) 1 man 1 jar (warning this one is bad) 2 guys 1 stump And the most disturbing on the one we saw 2 guys 1 horse (yeah...err an actual horse.)
  2. I watched the entire video with a few buddies of mine lol. 4 of us. We all wanted to quit but we told each other not to wuss out. After that, we started looking up other ones and dear lord does it get worse lol.
  3. Welcome to the fortress, your name immediately made me think of Erasmus Hall in Brooklyn lol. 2 weeks out? I'm sure the anticipation is already building within. You'll be in good hands at the fortress for sure. Tips? Let your mind be free and your body fluid. Relax and let the atmosphere pull you in. While I personally love the smell, may Mistress Jin overload your senses since its the humiliation for you!
  4. I understand that, not everyone knows but I can say it does feel somewhat liberating to be more open about it. What surprised me the most is how receptive ladies are to my fetish. I don't just blurt it out but through conversation I will let them know and they are never taken aback. I agree with that as well, they'd rather accept something else to make it easier for them.
  5. I concur, but I was always the curious kid. Looking where I should not lol.
  6. She probably doesn't even remember to be honest. Its a big memory for me because I almost got caught but for them it was probably insignificant. The pictures? This was in high school, freshman year. I had my own personal printer in my room at the time. It was some fart fetish art that I liked and printed out. The same friend from the other story came over and I told him to look for something by the printer forgetting I had the images on my desk. When I realized itwas too late and I turned to see him holding them and looking at them with such a confused look on his face. He turned and asked "Uh bro.., what's this?" while laughing a bit. My stomach dropped but I kept it cool and came up with some lie about a kid at school wanting me to print this stuff out for him as a favor. Which wasn't exactly a lie, I did print some materials out for a classmate in exchange for him to do my homework but I added on the fart art as well to save face lmao.
  7. Around this time last year, I opened up to my friends and family about my fetish. Every now and then my friends get a kick out it and make jokes but they respect my honesty. They all openly admitted that they believe they lack the courage to reveal their fetishes. Before that, they've caught me with some videos and I remember one time I had some pictures. I came up with an elaborate lie which was plausible but I was shocked they fell for it with the evidence at hand lol. One time that stands out was in middle school. I was at my friends house with his sister and a younger kid we were babysitting after school. Our parents were friends and we're all really close. I was laying on my friends bed while he sat on the floor starting up his game cube and his sister decided to lay next to me and cramp my space. She didn't want to move to I got up and then laid across her lower back facing her butt crushing her a bit on her purpose. She complained but didn't move so I applied pressure here and there to annoy her while watching my friend play the game. After about 10 mins of me applying pressure and asking her if she was going to move, I applied a bit more pressure and she farted lol. It caught me off guard but my 12 year old self thought "Maybe you can smell it, go for it." I went for it and sniffed a bit louder than I thought I was going to and my friend turned around and said "Dude, did you just sniff my sisters butt?" Thinking quickly I remembered I had a straw in my mouth from drinking soda earlier and quickly said "No way man, it was the straw you heard" and I proceeded to blow air through the straw. Everyone believed it and I knew from them on the never pull a stunt like that again lol.
  8. Thinking back I was about 4 years old when I sww my first porn. Might have been my fathers VHS or my oldest brothers, not entirely sure. It was an amateur tape,
  9. I owned Animal Crossing: City Folk for the Wii. It was definitely a game you could spend hours on conversing with the neighbors, collecting fossils and bugs, and paying Tom Nook (The Crook). It always made me more sad than I'd like to admit when my favorite neighbors moved to another town lol. I loved messing around with Mr Resetti as well.
  10. Something to keep in mind for when I return for sure.
  11. I already enjoy the the exchange of power from being restrained, adding breathplay onto it? That would fuel my flame even further. Although I know I couldn't take control I would love every minute of it. Fighting my urge to be dominant. I'm sure the force of each choke varies between subs but have any of you ever applied a great amount of pressure to the point of tears? While Im personally not into it being that rough I want to explore how far I'm willing to take it.
  12. I think it would be quite fun to wrestle you Mistress Zito. After taking your punches, I would love to go toe to toe and see how you go about putting me down for the count!
  13. I am looking to experience erotic asphyxia, I'd never been choked in an erotic manner until recently by a friend of mine. During our last hook up I had decided to tease her after some attitude she had purposely given me (bit of a masochist). I had tied her legs to my bed and held her hands together in of mine as I proceeded to tease her over the course of 30 minutes, playing with her, prodding her, and stirring her up until a lovely wet spot formed under her. After which I usually free her and we get to business, but this time I laid next to her and acted as if I wasn't going to continue and leave it at that. She begged trying to entice me by nibbling on my ear and licking my neck but I chuckled and kept my act up for a little longer for kicks. As I was about to give it up she straddled me and put her hands around my throat, just under my jaw and squeezed slightly. She looked me in my eyes and with some frustration in her voice said "You. Are going. To. Fuck. ME". Now I'm normally the dominant one in any encounters I have but this was something new. I looked at her surprised before I smiled and laughed as she looked me in my eyes, which made her squeeze a bit harder. I replied "Oh?" as she glared at me. I decided she had her moment of power and slowly lifted my body against her struggles to hold me down and flipped her over. From there you can guess the rest. My first thought was "Oh my, I pushed her buttons more than expected." but after, I started to think about the feeling of her hands around my throat and how I enjoyed feeling the pressure. I could tell she wasn't trying to restrict my breathing but show some force over me. Although it was slight it was quite sexy to see her exert a bit of dominance in that moment. Her moment of power over me. I can imagine this in a splendid torture/interrogation session. Having the mistress restrain my arms and legs then straddle me and proceed to slowly choke me coupled with face slapping and/or other methods of info extraction/punishment.
  14. I doubt he'll ever surface again, but I'm sure you could restrain and tame the beast.
  15. Indeed the skill level has increased significantly. I still play all four smash games, my favorite being Melee due to its speed, second is Smash 4 (Project M was amazing as well). I once reigned supreme among my friends. Ive played in local tournies but my friends have surpassed me. As they fine tuned their skills and practiced daily I kind of fell off and stopped playing as much as them. I still win a few matches at locals but I can admit I have been dusted more often than I'd like with the current skill of players. Never stocked though, I at least take a life. I don't follow it as closely as I used to.
  16. Smash bros? You talk good game, Id love to play a set and see if you can back that up .
  17. I'm open to explore that, discover what cuts deep. I guess its due to me learning to control my emotions. More specifically my anger, bullied as a kid I had my hulk moments from being humiliated and degraded. Through the years it had less effect, stopped bothering me as much as I learned to let it roll off instead of giving them a reaction (though not the reaction they really wanted due to the black eyes and busted lips given lol)
  18. This a tough one for me. I'm not really humiliated easily. I can be degraded for my fetish, my apperance, etc. A lot of things roll right off like a bead of sweat. If it does affect me it is never that deep, I might be hurt for a bit before I brush it off. I accept the things being used against me, as its true for the most part. I have no shame lol. Ive had women in my every day life try to embarass or humiliate me and it failed because I like what I like.
  19. That would be a tantalizing duo. Rihanna? Lord knows what she's into but I'm sure it would be an exhilarating experience. I could picture Tiffany Haddish as a domme. I think she would be quite fun!
  20. That sounds like a lovely session! I could picture quite a few ladies "FINISHING" us. I actually just bought the SNES classic edition to revel in the nostalgia. Came with a plenty of the games I grew up on which had me stoked. I don't game as much as I used to but if I have the time I set aside a few hours to enjoy when I can.
  21. I have a few goals as well for this year in regards to BDSM. 1. To still experience the farts of the lovely ladies I have not sessioned with at the fortress yet. 2. A 2 hour session with Mistress Kang rp'ing an intense fantasy of mine, which I may not be able to handle. Test my limits. 3. Explore more aspects of bdsm and find more creative ways to include my own fetish within them. 4. Have a session to explore all of my hard limits and see if I can push them a bit.
  22. My motivation to learn another language is simple really. I want to be able to communicate wherever I go. Not having to rely on English so I can better immerse myself into whichever country I may be in. It shows a willingness to learn and adapt. An appreciation of the culture in my opinion.
  23. I have never taken a formal Japanese lesson. My ex had taken Japanese in high school and retained some knowledge. So I started with that and through her I met her friends whom also took the class along with her having a few Japanese friends. As of right now I self study, I practice through roughly translating manga (SUPER HARD TO DO) and the use of duolingo lol.
  24. Ah, I understand. I agree, without constant use the ability to speak said language will deteriorate. Having cousins whom are spanish has kept me in the loop for basic conversation. Aside from that with French and Japanese, key words are what I listen for to translate what is being said. Since I'm a bit rusty now that is.
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