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Mistress Sophia Katz

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Everything posted by Mistress Sophia Katz

  1. I've recently developed some GREAT tickle bondage ties which utilize chairs. . . leaving all the vulnerable, ticklish spots exposed.
  2. A "talk," eh? It's great that finding a cultural figure with the same fetish has helped you feel more at ease with your own fart fetish. They might, but in secret. One of my friends who was doing a grad paper on Joyce showed them to me. He certainly kept things interesting, that's for sure!
  3. Just a few days away . . .I hope you are ready.
  4. I don't know, which of these options are best pulled behind a subs in slave attire? We'd need quite a few subs as cars are heavier than carriages.
  5. I'm not particularly a big fan of James Joyce's actual literary works, however, I've always enjoyed his letters to his wife, Nora Barnacle. From flogging to fart sniffing, Joyce was into it all: http://arlindo-correia.com/joyce.html http://theamericanreader.com/december-13-1909-james-joyce-to-nora-barnacle-joyce/ And if you want the cliff notes, you can skip to some of the dirtest parts here: https://www.buzzfeed.com/alexnaidus/the-dirtiest-excerpts-from-james-joyces-letters?utm_term=.mm9nZew0b3#.yeQ2l07Bv3 I am greatly amused that he refers to her as "Fuck Bird."
  6. A sub that practices yoga offers different options for interesting predicament bondage. . . and other things. Downward facing dog, anyone?
  7. The Mistress doesn't need YOUR reason to punish you, she'll find her own.
  8. That settles it! This is now the official mode of transportation for all the Fortress Mistresses. Now all we need is some subs interested in pony play and public humiliation to volunteer.
  9. Seriously! I think I've toned my arms and upper body more due to all that flogging! Fortress is so much more fun than being at a gym.
  10. As for "slut bondage," one of my favorite ways to tie a sub for strap-on play is on their back with their knees up and legs open. I also like to tie a sub with their arms latticed behind their back with their head on the floor and butt in the air. I like positions that allow for easy access.
  11. It would be time for some good ol' fashion scout hazing. There is no other way to handle scouts. I have a regular boy scout uniform in storage from my days working at a scout camp (I actually worked with a lot of knots back then.) I wonder if some one makes replica scout uniforms in latex. hmm. . .
  12. I would make sure that you would be a good boy. hahaha they need more attractive female troop leaders keeping the scouts in line. You are welcome! I hope to see you soon. I'll have to test out some new scout knots on you when you come in. . . .and tie the boyscouts to their bunks! You'd have no choice.
  13. That leash is perfect for dragging a sub around the dungeon.
  14. Summer is finally here which means going outdoors. Who wants to play the bad boyscout while I play the mean troop leader? (This book probably isn't as fun as I think it would be.)
  15. Such tall heels! I am sure you look fabulous in them.
  16. . . .and for those days when you want to travel in the most elegant of style
  17. . . .Or we can punish you for gaining 10lbs by making you run laps around the dungeon.
  18. Well, Hello Lonewolf. I've got some new tricks planned for the next time I see you. Be prepared!
  19. I am sure Mistress Von Dietz did a superb job crushing your barriers. (You were glowing when I last ran into you ) I can't wait to seek out the rest of the little secrets you've been trying to keep from us. Between the two of us, we will crush all your resistances.
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