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  1. First time I write in the forum. Last March i had the chance to go for the first time to the Fortress and had a session with the incredibles Rey and Katz. There are no words to describe how beautiful they are but at the same time how sadistic they can be, always respecting your limits. Both of them treat me like the slave I want to be, but understanding my inexperience. Still I remember like yesterday every detail of that fantastic hour, and specially the delicious drink given to me by Katz . Hope to come back soon. Thanks Rey and Katz!
  2. First time I write in the forum. Last March i had the chance to go for the first time to the Fortress and jad a session with the incredibles Rey and Katz. There is no words to describe how beautiful they are but at the same time how sadist they can be, always respecting your limits. Both of them treat me like the slave I want to be, but understanding my inexperience. Still I remember like yesterday every detail of that fantastic hour, and specially the golden final by Katz .) Hope to came back soon. Thanks Rey and Katz!
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