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  1. Hooray! Can’t wait to come for a visit, Mistress Zito!
  2. Feel better! Shouldn’t be much longer than a day or two. Looks like I’ll have to dust off Emma’s email in approximately two weeks!
  3. That is a tricky question considering how long it has been.. but I’ll go with being under your spell following your commands and worshiping you uncontrollably. I remember toward the end of one particularly intense session you said to me, “you’re very different right now than you were when I first came in the room”. It’s that feeling.
  4. Oh myyyy... me toooo ?looks like I’ll be making trip to the fortress soon!! ?
  5. I did a full feminization 2 hours once with Mistress Fang, minus the shaving. It was awesome! First hour was dress up time and next was playtime. Let us know how it goes!
  6. This sounded like it was going to be a hot session! How did it go?
  7. She is gorgeous, I can’t wait to have a one on one session with her!
  8. For my next session I'm thinking of doing a 2 hour session and doing a full dress up with make up, nail polish, etc. Any other ideas to add to the real cross dressing experience??
  9. I definitely have trouble not thinking about the visit between the time that I schedule it, and the time that I arrive. My mind wanders about which crazy new things the mistress will do to me. I do try to meditate because being too anxious can interfere with experience. I do love the point of no return right after I make the 5 minute call, that's usually when the anxiety lets up a bit.
  10. You're correct, the proper phrasing would have been "appeared to hand back". I suppose I will find out...
  11. So now I know what I was missing. The whole experience in visiting the fortress is rather surreal and left me in quite a daze. Walking past the birdcage had me wondering "Where the hell am I??" I had no idea what to expect next but once Mistress Rey entered and began guiding me on a dreamlike adventure I felt quite at home. She began peeling away my barriers and taking over my mind with her dark forces. She handed the controls gently back to me at the end of the session which allowed for a smooth as possible landing. MIstress Rey - Thanks for the movie recommendation, I will definitely watch soon.
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