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  1. Adam-Dunn

    March 11, 2023

    Miss Westwood--like a classic/vintage Champagne--! I would drink every drop !!
  2. Adam-Dunn

    March 11, 2023

    You're making me...thirsty..Miss Westwood !!
  3. OHhhh....That lovely profile ! That breath taking body!
  4. You are..STUNNING--Seeing Your beauty---takes my breath away---!
  5. Welcome--Miss Westwood---LUV Your photos---!! I will schedule to serve You soon. I want to "Suffer" for You...! (Also humiliation/degradation/debasement)--Spitting/face slapping/biting/hair pulling...& more----To "Take"...in me....whatever You have to offer..!! You are beautiful--combine it with an "elegance"..."Class" & an "Aristocratic" look...!!!- There is no telling what "Limits" I will break FOR You---!!
  6. What...AWESOME...Thighs & ass !!! OMG.... You are one sexy...Goddess !!-
  7. How "Enchanting"...!!! Just looking at this phpto..makes me ..hunger....& "thirst" for You....!!! Adam
  8. Dear Ms Jin I'm gonna soon find out what these --" nefarious "- acts will be - You look soo lovely and sweet - hard to imagine You being -" NASTY "' in any way !! I am wondering what You have on store for me -! See You soon !! Adam
  9. These were the same two for my first session ever at the Fortress - At the conclusion - both mistresses decided to --"hose me down "-! Adam
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