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  • Birthday 07/04/1972

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    cuckolding, forced bi, gs, humiliation, forced feminization, punishment enemas public humiliation, dressing in secrets in lace panties and bullet bras.....for my Mistress

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  1. i will be waiting for you Mistress Jung .....the toilets are way too dirty... ;-0
  2. Dear MK personally I hate it when a team member does not work out in my business just like your business they use a lot of resources. They know exactly what is expected .............they can watch videos ;-) I really do not get it one door closes another one opens I am ready to be used by the next Mistress in Training (MIT) ... ;-) keep us posted....I am ready to volunteer...
  3. you have the most perfect tongue...which fits very well with all of the other perfect body parts
  4. for me its the mouse pad & I am working on making the K most worn....;-)
  5. well Mistress Kang here are the facts I guess everyone is writing to their Mistress ;-)
  6. for me it does not have borders it is about a woman who is comfortable being a woman a woman that can get her way with soft words and a smile and maybe a whisper if she is very sensual even though I am not a part of that part of her life I want to please her "be a good boy" "this pleases me" is hot in any accent when delivered by a sensual Mistress
  7. Mr. Chows for dinner and pictures....Lucky Chens for late night.......
  8. Just Maybe the Squirrels were not as happy not having to work hard for you to get their nut....;-) Hard work and sacrifice always makes the nut so much better especially when you are forced to eat it....
  9. M Rey Your photos are like a window at Bergdorf at Christmas the more you look the more is revealed to you ....the thought ,detail, content no one is close to you .....you set the bar very high ...I respect and admire the quality time and work that goes into each of your photos...always nothing is lost on me....thank you

    I made a web

    simply the best you work harder than anyone.....
  11. Mistress Rey You are the very best and most thoughtful in the detail and composition that goes into your photos.... I bit like the windows at Bergdorf at Christmas, the more you look the more that is reveled to you .... You are simply the best.
  12. Please tease us with a few new pictures I bet she looks better than ever....omg
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