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Mistress Vivienne Fang

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About Mistress Vivienne Fang

  • Birthday June 26

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  • Location
    Chinatown, NYC

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. I'm so glad you enjoyed your session so much! You were so responsive and engaged and open to explore new things, which made me enjoy the session so much as well! See you next time~
  2. I’m so glad you had so much fun and were humiliated! Your eyes really did roll back - multiple times! Happy to have made your first fortress experience a good one, see you next time :))))
  3. Yes the new purple room has a shower! A very nice one at that. Also a stock and a rather cool-looking stretching table. Feel free to come by and check it out
  4. Omg even better you can get one of those full body feminizing latex suits!! Always wanted to play with one of those haha!
  5. Ooooh interesting. Do you know of any pro dungeons like us there?
  6. I think I like Purple the best, if anything for the in-room shower! Always nice to usher a sweaty post-session sub into the shower for a nice cleanse.
  7. ???LOVE the outfit! And the pose! And the hat! And everything about this! Excited to session with you Ang ❤️
  8. Oh sure you can scream, doesn't mean we won't punish you for it
  9. For a second I saw "Happy October 1st" and thought you were talking about the Chinese national day LOL (70 years!!!) I'm also gonna be Martha Stewart after a kitchen accident for Halloween. Stay tuned for pics.
  10. I actually have a similar experience regarding my interest in BDSM! I was a big Transformers and DC cartoons fan when I was younger, and for some reason was especially interested in the episodes where there was some sort of bondage, torture or captivity situation. Never understood why I liked it, until one day I did.
  11. I’m so upset I missed this! Looks absolutely delicious.
  12. Yeah I really wasn’t into those rice and beans LOL. Also I felt sooooo stuffed afterwards that was so much food!!
  13. I had so much fun as well! I remember how Zito and are were forgetting what suit corresponded to what punishment because we were going so quickly, but then kind of went with it because it didn't matter - any punishment is good punishment for you xD
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