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Mistress Vivienne Fang

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Everything posted by Mistress Vivienne Fang

  1. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GSu7BGbyJqc ^honestly the most iconic moment in cinematic history
  2. A variety of possibilities and options to try during a session. Also, an exciting, jam-packed flow always keeps things on the edge both for me and the subs. Essentially, I like spontaneity and flexibility.
  3. Oh absolutely! Sometimes my feet are sore and I'm ready for a sub to massage them, or I see some ghastly instrument in an athletic store that just begs to be used to smack a sub on the ass. The possibilities are endless!
  4. I definitely would! I've toyed with a few 3D printers in my time and find this so fascinating. It looks a little small at the moment, but I'm sure they'll be able to print larger ones in the future.
  5. I've found that the lighter the color of the candles, the hotter it gets. Not sure if this is scientific, just an observation.
  6. The penis contains more nerves than the tongue, but oftentimes I find that it can be longer and much more useful than the penis itself.
  7. Once you've collected enough advice, just give booking a call and Emma will set you up with the right ladies!
  8. I think it's also about the relaxation - for lack of a better word, of handing the ropes to someone else. For a short while you don't have to decide what to do with your body, which, in today's hyperconnected world, can be a wonderful thing.
  9. I might start doing that. You could be next!
  10. Love belts, and also leather straps! The brown leather strap with the black handle is definitely one of my favorites.
  11. I remember a while back one of my friends bought these crazy holographic platforms that shifted color depending on where you looked at them. They were so cool!!!
  12. I like the right most one - more fitting for my itty bitty titties lol
  13. Was saying this all along. Pats WILL be heard. How's that for a comeback???
  14. :000000000 i'm so excited to session with these ladies!!!!
  15. Is it weird that I've always liked the smell of newspapers? Same with the smell of gasoline, believe it or not. Also, new books.
  16. Mmmmmmm delicious. Mistress Zelda- next year's birthday idea? Lmao
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