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Everything posted by Lilbitchbobby

  1. Was wondering any golden shower stories from the mistresses what was the most you made a slave consume about. A glass ? a liter? A five gallon jug ? Lol
  2. Ahhhh my favorite color pink!!
  3. Happy Halloween ? to all the fortress mistresses and slaves. Hope the mistresses are behaving tonight. ?
  4. Woooohoooo will luvvvv to be pinned down forced to ssssssniff that awesome butt of yours mistress
  5. Happy Easter to all the mistresses at the fortress !! ?
  6. ? omg i luvvvvvv seeing you two together. What a team. See you soon Two or three months
  7. Fors anyone have any wrestling session stories while visiting the fortress. Im dying for a session pretty soon
  8. I see times sq on tv blacks whites asians gays old young everyone happy together again And us slaves will be back as well fortress get ready ! ??????
  9. What do you think they willl do with Robin. I think theywill take turns wrestling him humilated by four women as they dress him up smother him and piss all over him to mark their territory
  10. I also will love to be dressed up in womens clothes and makeup and be humilated in front of a true women from the fortress
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