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  1. oh gaaaaawd... I can take pain, but the tickles... that takes me to breaking point, MvD REVELS in it... and shows no mercy, cackling evilly as she does so 2 or 3 mistresses would break anyone's resolve! (totally worth it, if you can take it!)
  2. Just to be in her presence is devastating and entirely disarming, and yes, her lips just slaaaaaaay me, every time... ❤️
  3. soooooo gorgeous it's untrue you look so happy!
  4. Scientists only just found Venus MvD created life where there was none, in 1 pic
  5. I love pictures like this, revealing enough to make the mind tumble and fumble to extrapolate the rest For anyone lucky enough to have sessioned with the incomparable MvD, it would no doubt also trigger a deluge (in my case a biblical flood) of memories I can't wait to session again Mistress.. your whore
  6. Personally I love it, I don't have a very feminine physique, but I've always had a partiality towards dressing up (girls have so many more fun things to wear) and wearing heels It's one of the most pervasive sides of my fetish-life, and I incorporate it into almost all the sessions I love wearing stockings, panties etc under my work clothes on a day I'm going to session - but have to actively remember to go to a stall every time I use the bathroom, and even then not to let my 'vickies drop to my ankles'
  7. my goddess... ❤️ you're magnificent
  8. Interesting. Personally, those lines are blurred for me (although you probably just see things with more clarity than I do) I don't feel the need to be humiliated dressed as a female (in fact I am drawn to beautiful women holding the upper hand), it's more (as you say) that sissying up renounces my masculinity (who I am in the outside world) and the more pronounced that is, the more exposed and vulnerable I am Whilst they have the implements and apparatus to (physically) contain me at the Fortress, I'm a fairly big, strong guy - I find it far more effective to strip all of the masculinity away (and provide it themselves) to achieve that scared, vulnerable, gurl inside that doesn't need much coercing to degenerate into the wanton slut whore to be used, broken and discarded by my Mistress p.s. if you haven't tried this, and are interested - the Fortress is DEFINITELY the right place to come for that
  9. The most beautiful girl in the world ❤️
  10. There goes work for the remainder of the afternoon, now I'm picturing... Ms von Dietz as Emma Frost Ms Rey as Elektra Ms Kang as Power Girl Ms Jin as Psylocke ...i'm lost in a nerdgasm
  11. I'm guessing Psylocke was popular with you?
  12. You're doing nothing to assuage my fears of being overdressed...
  13. I think this is a challenge I'm going to have to accept (!) as i didn't get to Halloween in anything remotely 'fun' in my vanilla life
  14. I was wondering what kinds of new toys/equipment are in there Looking fwd to role-play sessions in Grey soon!
  15. Just fuckin wow! This may be corny, but nevertheless, apropos When God made you, he was just showing off... ♥️
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