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    Between the pink walls.

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  1. Had an Afib event, they gave me a cardioversion and now back on track. No need to return to meds

    1. Manpeach


      Hey Skeech. I had to have another afib & Afluffter ablation done.

  2. hey sheech, glad to see you're still peeking in on the forum.

  3. Dear Mistress Zhao. My time as a participant on this forum is nearing an end due to personal reasons. Before I go, I wanted to let you know that I very much enjoyed reading your posts and responses on the forum. Your insight, intelligence and honesty show and I think your contributions have been pivotal in moving the forum forward. I do regret not being able to session more times with you and will always wonder where your unique style might have led me. I will never forget the session t...

    1. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      skeech!!! I'm so sad to hear that you'll be leaving the forum, and wish it weren't so. Thank you for your sincere compliments!! You will be sorely missed!

  4. A slap is such an intimate and humiliating act. It is feminine but powerful as reinforcement of superiority. Some of my fondest session memories involve slapping and spitting scenarios where I was allowed eye contact with the Mistress inflicting the damage.
  5. Hey Skeech, It sounds like you are really signing off now, i hope not or at least you'll pop in from time to time. I wanted to let you know, in addition to the comments I posted, I really appreciated your feedback on the AFib situation. I have been AFib free since Thanksgiving. I'm feeling confident this is a success. I was freaking out about it before it settled down, Your feedback on your experience helped calm me down. Hope you are well Thanks Thanks

    1. skeech2


      Thanks for the words and glad to hear that everything is good with your AFIB. It has been nearly 2 years for me and no episodes. I am grateful for the modern technology that makes that possible. I certainly love and will miss my secret life, especially this forum and these special Ladies. I am not completely finished yet but have made the decision to stop so it is only a matter of time. I considered just going away but believe that I would have regretted that.

    2. Manpeach


      Best of luck to you Skeech, It has been a pleasure getting to know you here

  6. Schoolgirl fantasy was just elevated to a high level on the Skeech fantasy hierarchy. Can't imagine a better player than Mistress Koi for this role.
  7. Yes, a very complex topic indeed which is why I avoided it the first time. I think there has to be a distinction between the fantasy of being broken and the reality of it. It is in the reality that I would fear danger to mental health. The fact that I willingly lay myself at the feet of an Asian Domme in some eyes may be perceived as already broken. I see it as fantasy fulfillment. Emotional releases that result in tears can be positive as mentioned several times in this thread. I am still not sure if that would considered being broken or if that would be considered a breakdown. I believe there is a big difference.
  8. Honestly, I struggle with the term "being broken". What is being broken? Is it will? If so, it does not seem to me that one can be broken if he willingly submits. I would venture to guess than an emotional experience producing tears during session is rooted in something other than the breaking of one's will.
  9. Social media surely adds to the level of public humiliation. Not only does he feel the immediate humiliation but can relive it any time forever with a few key strokes.
  10. Tease and Denial at it's best. That sweet bum can sure generate a lot of desire. I guess some subs now know exactly where their desire intersects with their instinct to survive. I still need to be tested.
  11. The artwork on the locker or the artwork on the phone? Love the simplicity of one and the complexity of the other.
  12. Nervously anticipating finally meeting you. I have been admiring you forever.

    1. Mistress Mina Jung

      Mistress Mina Jung

      The anticipation builds....

    2. skeech2
  13. Hey Skeech, Did you experienced any short term AFib episodes during your recovery? The Dr said I should expect some, The last couple days i've gone into Afib in the evening and my HR has been 100 + all day

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Manpeach


      Hey Skeech, I just got hooked up to my Cardionet heart monitor. I wear this for a month before my next exam. Glad this didn't come last week. I would have given them some interesting readings for sure.


      Still no Afib since T-day !

    3. skeech2


      That is great news. Hoping for the best with the Cardionet.

    4. Manpeach


      Hey SK2, just finished the cardionet monitor. I did not have to record a single "event". My next DR appointment is March 26. I hoping the take me off the Sotolol and see how I do. I have been feeling great!

  14. Intelligence and eyes= Asian fetish in my book.
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