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    Between the pink walls.

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  1. Hey Skeech, It sounds like you are really signing off now, i hope not or at least you'll pop in from time to time. I wanted to let you know, in addition to the comments I posted, I really appreciated your feedback on the AFib situation. I have been AFib free since Thanksgiving. I'm feeling confident this is a success. I was freaking out about it before it settled down, Your feedback on your experience helped calm me down. Hope you are well Thanks Thanks

    1. skeech2


      Thanks for the words and glad to hear that everything is good with your AFIB. It has been nearly 2 years for me and no episodes. I am grateful for the modern technology that makes that possible. I certainly love and will miss my secret life, especially this forum and these special Ladies. I am not completely finished yet but have made the decision to stop so it is only a matter of time. I considered just going away but believe that I would have regretted that.

    2. Manpeach


      Best of luck to you Skeech, It has been a pleasure getting to know you here

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