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Everything posted by skeech2

  1. Here is one of my all time favorite quotes on these boards from Mistress Ree: "I'll admit it. I like farting. I like farting in a sub's face, or in his mouth, or up his nose. Most people don't like farts. And I don't like other people's farts. But like other people, I REALLY like my own. So I like both farts as a torture and farts for fartniffing freaks". :smile:
  2. Got to love a woman who is confident in her farting ability.
  3. I would like to play a fart-association game with 2-3 or more Mistresses after they had Mexican food the night before (my treat). Quite a lovely humiliation game. Would any of the current Mistresses be interested in that type of game?
  4. Sounds like you need some fart therapy.
  5. I am with you Bradley. I have a tremendous amount of nervous anticipation or tingle that grows stronger as session time nears. That never goes away despite many years of sessioning. I actually thrive on that feeling. Beneath it, though, is a trust that you are putting yourself in awfully good hands. I like two hour sessions so I can use the first hour to calm down.
  6. I am wondering if those little red rain boots have been stomping some waffles in the snow lately.

  7. This reminds me of another topic that is related and was discussed here some time ago titled "Judicial Punishment". It would be endless fun rotating the mistresses through the various roles. Maybe even hide them behind masks so you do not know who played which role until the very end. Judge, Jury, Prosecutor, Executioner and the cruel and heartless guards. http://www.fortressnyc.com/forum/topic/4377-judicial-punishment/
  8. Korean actress Jamie Chung...almost beautiful enough to work at the Fortress and likes to kick ass.
  9. Mistress Jung, I guessed correctly too but I will accept your grueling assignment anyway.
  10. Found these signs for sale in a mainstream retailer.
  11. I have been studying those butts through photos for the past several years and have met a few in person. I would like to try the blind touch test someday to see how I would do.
  12. Here are some from the distant past that I do not hear any longer. Vagina- Bearded Clam, Split Pie, Furry Taco, Fur burger (this was before Brazilian bikini waxes were popular). Penis- Purple Helmeted Warrior of Love, Pud, Peter, Johnson, Pecker, Stuff, Junk, Dolphin (as in flog the dolphin), Monkey (as in spank the monkey) Jody (as in jerking Jody for ice cream sodie). Anus- Starfish, Rosebud.
  13. If only it could be bottled and sold or better yet de-hydrated and turned in to snuff. Could be addictive. "Hey Skeech, what is that on your moustache"?
  14. I prefer to e-mail a scenario and interests at least a few days prior to a session especially if it is a first time meeting. That allows for the scenario to start right away and avoids my tendency to choke in the presence of beautiful dominants. Not sure if the dommes prefer that or not but they at least have the opportunity to plan. I had a recent experience with an independent domme in which I arranged for several months of back and forth e-mails that explored my interests and hers. I agreed to compensate her for time and responses and we developed a scenario together. It was one of the most anticipated sessions I have ever had and resulted in one of the most fulfilling. I viewed the additional expense as session insurance. I have been exploring for over 15 years now and have had many "first" sessions and several 2nd and 3rd sessions where too much time had elapsed to continue any rhythm developed in the previous session. I live in a remote area where the BDSM scene is non-existent so am limited to playing during business travel. Communication via e-mail and via this forum have helped me expand much more in the past two years than in the previous 13.
  15. I am sure that got those deviant wheels turning.
  16. I have a role play fantasy that I would love to play with you involving inquisitive therapy followed by prescribed treatment. Kind of like being on the couch except, no couch. I was hoping to find time last Friday but schedule was too hectic.

    1. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      That's right up my alley. You're not much of a talker, either. I'd have to resort to experimental methods to get you talking :)

    2. skeech2


      Exactly what I was hoping for. Also owe you a much better foot massage effort. Soft on top, hard on bottom.


  17. Thanks for the lesson. I took a few inappropriate mental images and can't seem to delete them.
  18. Just curious. What would be considered inappropriate?
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