For the last eight years, every time I’ve visited New York, I have included at least one trip to the Fortress. It’s truly unique, the best place I have found in any country to explore fantasies with beautiful, intelligent mistresses.
By the end of this visit, I worked out that I have now met ten of the Fortress’s ladies, past and present, and have sessioned with seven. Each time is better than the last and my disappointment when a favourite play-partner leaves is always exceeded by the excitement of meeting Jessy’s latest amazing recruits.
This time, I choose a session with Mistress Koi and Mistress Fei, then another with Mistress Koi on her own. The scenario was roleplay with a lot of tickling, and I can honestly say I that muscles I didn’t even know I had are still aching from the amount of laughing, screaming and writhing I did that day. Halfway through the session, I had a wonderful surprise in the very attractive shape of Miss Zhao and Miss Lu, who came in to help the other two ladies drive me wild. Mistress Zhao is a particularly devastating tickler and teased my feet with such expert sadism (accompanied with an angelic smile) that I asked if she could be included in my session with Mistress Koi the next day. Unfortunately, she was fully booked (a level of popularity I can certainly understand), but very fortunately, Mistress Tran was able to spare me some of her time to join in the session. So I had the incredible experience of seeing five of the Fortress’s ladies over the course of two days.
I really don’t know how Mistress Kang manages to find such an amazing team. The first session with Mistress Fei and Mistress Koi was so tremendous, I didn’t think anything could have been as good. They were both so beautiful, so merciless, so seductive. They drove me out of my mind. But the second session with Mistress Tran was every bit as intense and exciting. She is a mesmerizingly beautiful woman and something about the way she looked at me made me instantly weak at the knees. Did I mention that she, and Koi and Fei were all dressed in outfits that would make a Bishop kick a hole in a stained-glass window?
I do hope all the ladies I saw will stick around long enough for me to visit them again many times at the most exciting place in the most exciting city in the world.