OMG Task-Master-Kang! I'm literally watching Taskmaster while browsing the forum right now LOL. Fern Brady wears an awesome "Taskmistress" collar during the tasks this season. Also, a Taskmaster themed session could be hilariously fun..
I'll see myself out??. Welcome to the Fortress Mistress Song!
I'm yet to check that out, but have heard great things! Adding it to the list.
I've been doing the same with Band of Brothers. I never watched it before this. Some of the IRL interviews miiiight be making me cry like a baby....
Apart from that It's been a self bondage self quarantine. Practice makes perfect =D
I like Cathouse Clothing a lot! I bought one of the latex halter tops for my Mistress and stockings for the both of us. Darkestfox looks fun as well but I have only tried their heel restrains, which are super fun.
My pre session routine is going to change drastically. It's the cleanest new way to practice! Thank you for keeping my booty hole in mind, Mistress Kang ??
1. After ending a 2+ year D/s / keyholding relationship I'd like to explore chastity and longer lockups on my own again.
2. To attend more events. I'm always super hesitant to go alone.
3. Another double session with Mistress Von Dietz and Mistress Zito.
5. Butt stuff.....
6. Just to generally be a better submissive and push myself more.
Now excuse me while I creep through the 2018 thread.
I've definitely heard that said before, but no, not in my experience. She was probably my most sane girlfriend to date lol. Just very adventurous. Her and her cousins were really the only Filipinas I've been close
with, so I may not be the best to judge. Although, they did throw YUUUGE parties and got a little wild in that regard.
A while back I was in a long distance relationship with a girl that lived with her Filipino grandparents who HATED me. When we didn't know where we would stay we would go to the movies to pass time and look for the most empty theatre to make out in. Shortly after the lights dimmed she pulled two bandanas out of her sleepover bag and tied my wrists to the armrests and started giving me a handjob. When I finally came she laid my hoodie over my lap and left to go wash her hands. It felt like she was gone forever. I tried to slip free while she was gone, but the bandanas were too tight to pass over the cupholders. It was the most nerve wracking experience I've had to this day and The Marine with John Cena still holds a place in my heart because of it.
It was perfect to me and I felt beyond lucky! It was really interesting getting to explore my favorite fetishes while simultaneously discussing the deeper meaning of others. It was my first time going into a session with no real expectations which made it really enjoyable. All in all I'm just glad Mistress Zito had a good time as well. =D.
I had a session with Mistress Zito recently that was similar to this. She started by dressing me up then tying me to a chair to do my makeup and apply a wig. She even painted pretty lips over a tape gag at one point. A good portion of the session was spent talking about everything from her makeup skills, pantyhose and bondage to anything fetishy and fun which really did give it a fun "sleep over vibe". The Mistresses I've met at the Fortress do an amazing job at making you feel like one of the girls. Plus the fortress pink room is like sissy heaven
I'd like to think Missandei as far as similarity.. She's super loyal, mostly quiet but always seems to be listening/ learning. Plus she's just so adorable. But I would definitely choose Arrya. Something about carrying around a bag of peeled off faces and being able to disguise myself at any time really appeals to me lol.