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  1. Hey (whoever), So this is probably one of the most pathetic posts ever. But do any of the devotees have issues with developing an emotional crush on one of their mistresses? I realize this is the most ridiculous, strangest things ever, but I literally cannot get one of the mistresses out of my mind and I think one of those reasons was because of how amazingly safe and comfortable I felt (which I did not expect). At the end of it, there was a period of just talking, person to person, and I realize that I'm a customer ultimately and that everything is done between consenting adults on a different level, but I found and find myself wishing I could talk more (thus the dinner/domination option). The fact too that I basically presented up front an aspect of myself with barely anyone else (i.e. kinky desires) and felt accepted is a factor. Sorry for the rambling, just was curious how others fared mentally after their sessions. For the mistresses, have you ever dealt with the unfortunate circumstance of being the target of someone's affection (if that's an ok question to ask)?
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