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  1. You're in the right place MakeMeTap - there are a few fellow aroma connoisseurs on the forum! I, for one, would be thrilled to vicariously hear about how your day as a restrained and victimized fart judge goes 😆
  2. I love how cute, normal and wholesome everyone looks here 😇 No one would know the devious desires you dally in!
  3. Excited for you AromaLover! May it be better than your windiest dreams ?
  4. Yes, I feel I can relate. When my current gf dominates me I notice my eyelids are almost half closed half the time as if I were stoned on marijuana. It's almost like there's a filter through which I color and receive everything. The other day she facesat me for an hour while doing laptop work and everytime she got up it was like I was in a half awake/half stupor state. Somewhere between subtle bliss and sublime torture. Great time in subspace is a lovely release into another state of being / altered state of conscious.
  5. Is your natural accent American, Mistress Rey? I realized my tendency to assume the accents at the fortress were American, but it makes much more sense that there'd be some variety. I'd assume people who find American accents *special* in some way aren't from America. Being that I'm from the southern states of America, I do have a thing for a warm southern belle accent. It sounds like home to me. It turns me on because it's supposedly very proper & well-mannered in its own way. I enjoy the contrast of propriety with raunchy play & filthy minds. English accents for the same reason. Proper, authoritative, posh. Combined with my more 'dirty' kinks of farting, toilet play, etc. Contrast is King. Or perhaps...Queen ; )
  6. The girl I'm dating is really into the idea of doing in a taboo location where others could discover us , and these are some excellent ideas. So far, she's sucked my dick (not to completion) while in a stairway for a friends apartment building... In my own experience: A domme I went on a date with to the theater, took her chewed gum out of her mouth and made me hold it in my hand during the middle of the play. She eventually expected me to dispose of it by swallowing it. Highschool/College lovers in backseats of cars, of course. Handjobs (not to completion) in movie theaters. I can't ever orgasm when I'm in a high stakes situation where I could be walked up on. I felt like as a black guy growing up in the south if I was caught doing something 'indecent' by the wrong officer that the penalty would be much bigger than a finger wagging. Not the right kind of "excitement" lol. I am thinking of trying to do something in the wooded area of Prospect Park in Brooklyn. I've walked throughout there and if memory serves, it's surprisingly empty and thick with trees in the right areas.
  7. It sounds as thought AromaLover may have passed away in the gas chamber ?
  8. Wow, I'm pleasantly surprised to see how much this thread has developed! Thanks everyone for your thoughtful responses! A lot of my favorites have been named: M. Fang - Uncharted was the first series that made me feel like a game could be as compelling as a movie. I actually would love to be an actor in video games like it in the future. So cool to see you enjoyed it too! M. Jin - I swear if being a pokemaster was a viable career choice I'd have done it. Ocarina of Time was a favorite childhood memory - first Zelda game I ever beat. Sophia Katz - I love how indie and curated your style is! I didn't know the games you talked about but found myself watching a walkthorugh of Maniac Mansion on Youtube . What a deep, weird, intriguing game it was - so far ahead of its time! M. Rey - Ironically Super Mario Kart is one of the first games I remember losing to a girl. The idea of being your seat while you play the first game to put my misplaced male ego in check is delightful. M. Li - I fell in love with MMORPGs back when Everquest came out. I tried WoW for a few years and then had to quit because it kinda became a second life/job back in high school. I don't do Mmorpgs anymore just because of the time committemnt, but I had some really fun times in those worlds. Maple Story looks like such a playful & cute world - very much a fun contrast to your sadistic side M. Zita - I had to go watch a review of Fantasy Life as I wasn't familiar with it and I can see why it was so engaging for you! Plenty of fun activites and ways to 'live your life' outside of the traditional RPGs that are out there. Certainly a gem. JayMan - I am 100% guilty of playing with the hot female characters in games like Tekken, Soul Calibur, and the particularly well chested Dead or Alive girls - just for the particular moves where they sit on faces/wrap their legs around guys, etc. etc. Lastly, I think I could've gone pro playing super smash bros growing up. So, if you ladies, AromaLover, and OyVey want to run a tournament I'd be happy to oblige a metaphorical whipping - at peril of being actually whipped myself
  9. A recent picture of Sophia Katz wearing a headset had me wondering if any of the Mistresses are into certain video games now or used to be into certain games growing up? Truth be told I've always wanted to be in a scene where either the Domme was playing videogames while sitting on my face...or a roleplay inspired by a game like Mortal Kombat where I'm humiliated in fantasy wrestling via "Brutality" or "Fatality" or whatever invention my partner might come up with. Anyhow, any gamers at the Fortress these days?
  10. Hmmm, this must be the face one makes when it rains all day at Moonrise Festival!
  11. Thanks for sharing that very interesting article, Mistress Katz! I found it liberating in a way to know that by his estimates 30% of people are watching "you would find disgusting." In regards to Mistress Shankar's question: In my experience, I do think many people are attracted to an activity and a story more so than a gender or body type with porn. The last few women I've dated have specific activities they like to see happen to other women in porn. One was into seeing girls get fucked by machines without a choice. The other was into watching girls put things up each others bums and be extra pretty cute while doing it. It'll be interesting to see how sex continues to evolve in the age of the internet. Anal porn passing vaginal in 3 years is pretty telling. As a guy who's into all things ass (farting, facesitting, toilet, etc.) I've noticed a shift in cultural consciousness around how open people are relating to kinks around bums. Pegging for example has gone relatively mainstream and is covered on big TV shows every year. Allison Williams getting rimmed on GIRLS was something people pretended was a big deal, but that's just because people finally felt publicly free to own that side of themselves. I think as women continue to gain equal power in the social/career/entertainment world it'll be interesting to see how it affects sexual dynamics.
  12. Wow, Svsub, your story has me interested in taking Tae Kwon Do for allllll the wrong reasons ; ). I recently trained in kick boxing with this Egyptian girl's boyfriend. I realized I hadn't taken a punch in almost 20 years and it can really shock your system if you're not ready for it. I kinda liked how it forced me to toughen my core in order to train/spar but the pretty boy in me didn't want to risk getting my face messed up. When it comes to Femdom though, there's certainly an allure to losing to a powerful woman even when you've given your genuine best.
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