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About Phatteus

  • Birthday 05/28/1978

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  • Interests
    Tickling, being tickled, light bondage, F/m tickling

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  1. Stunning! I can’t wait to meet you on Friday Mistress Westwood.
  2. i can’t wait either. You and Mistress Song will have a very ticklish man to play with. I really wish tickling were more of a mainstream topic that people would discuss more often. It really is my favorite form of play! Looking forward to seeing you!!
  3. I will be doing a double session with Mistresses Gong and Song next Friday. I am very excited to meet you and to experience a double-Dom tickling session for the first time! I look forward to serving you Mistress.
  4. I am excited to return to The Fortress after an almost 10 year hiatus. In 2013 I was tickled to mush by the lovely Mistress Eva Koi. In a few weeks I will be visiting, hoping to be tickled to destruction by Mistress Diana Gong. I cannot express how much I need and deserve a thorough tickling, and I am so glad that I can once again visit my fetish with a skilled Tickler. The end of January cannot come fast enough!
  5. Yes, I honestly would love to find out... I suppose I would have to learn firsthand..
  6. I'm in! Will be in NY in a fee months!
  7. After reading all these responses, I will need to get pinned and tickled as well! What's the best hold for tickling, in the lioness' opinion?
  8. Hi everyone, I wanted to share a quick story and question with the community. I am a tickle fetishist, and have had more than a few experiences being tied up and tickled to insanity by a lovely lady. My most recent time was a few years ago at The Fortress with the lovely Mistress Koi. (More on that in a moment) Several years prior, I was a monthly visitor (money was better then) to an establishment in Chicago where I was regularly tickled by a wonderful young woman whom I will not name here. She decided to perform a little experiment with me; she would tickle me to mush, but she would make me massage her feet at the same time; mind you, I'm not a foot fetishist, but her words ring in my head: "I'm gonna give you a foot fetish whether you like it or not"! Well, after a few foot massage tickles, and a few instances of me pleasuring myself (she never touched me sexually, nor did I ask her to) while rubbing her feet, I actually developed a minor foot fetish. Fast forward to my session with Mistress Koi, when I told her about this, she was intrigued. Near the end of my two hours with her, she straddled my chest, put her feet on my face and proceeded to demolish my sides and belly while I screamed with laughter and played with her feet. So my question for the amazing ladies of the Fortress is: have you ever deliberately "given" a fetish to a sub that they never really had before? subs, has this ever been done to you? Curious to hear your stories!
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