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About machina2k1

  • Birthday 10/20/1984

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  1. She did it in the sweetest way too. Wrote it on the beach. I was young and stupid. Miss her every day
  2. Saying no the first time she asked me to marry her. I got a second chance thankfully.
  3. For me, 2018 was a bad year. It's about to get better, but it kind was one of my lowest ever. Pretty much everything that could go wrong, went wrong. From being practically homeless, to selling all my belongings, to working a series of jobs below my skill level at part-time hours in Florida (I hate the heat!), my life was stagnating. Now though, I'm getting to move to NYC, with a decent enough job to make regular visits to Fortress (at least after I settle in) and things are looking up for the first time in 12 months. Point is, no matter how bad it seems, it'll get better. I know someone reading this might be feeling low, down, alone, or stuck. You'll get through it though. Even with all the things that happened, I wouldn't change it. I'm more appreciative for the small things in life, I have the chance to move somewhere I've always wanted to live, and I don't have nearly as much meaningless material objects weighing me down. At least for me, this year's negative experiences helped to shape me into a better person. I hope everyone on this board who is going through something more negative can use that energy and flip it into something positive. Anyways, sorry for the break from kinky conversation. I hope everyone can have a bit of positivity in each day. And some kink. That helps too. :)
  4. The Thing (1982) The Story “Who Goes There?” Is awesome, but nothing beats the pure visceral nature of John Carpenter’s direction and practical effects.
  5. Waking up to seeing a snoring corgi trying to steal my pillow.
  6. Totally not sexual, but kind of sensual. My first time flying into Korea. Seeing the lights and mountains rising up over the fog. Getting off the airplane and truly experiencing the complete foreign nature of being overseas. It was astounding and I would love to have that again. Admittedly, I did when I came back as a civilian, but it's just not the same as your first time to a place. Thankfully, I get to experience something similar soon, when I move to NYC in the next month!
  7. Is no one going to make a joke about pumping iron?
  8. My goodness! I could only imagine serving four lovely goddesses in a session! I hope that I could be up to such a monumental challenge! Considering everything happening in the country I currently stay, I may have the chance to test myself sooner than I thought. It's looking like I may be making a move over to NYC, where I could possibly start making regular appointments. That's a definite brightside of being stateside!
  9. Dannyboy and Sub_Hub, Would that I could! Unfortunately, the last sentence was more in jest. Though I would surely jump at the chance to spend more time at the Fortress, three visits proved to be more than sufficient for this round! Mistress Zito, I was overjoyed that you were a part of my first (of hopefully numerous) visits to the Fortress! You have a wonderful energy that, along with Mistress Katz and Mistress Von Dietz, made for an unforgettable evening! I'll surely be remembering it for as long as I draw breath and will certainly feel it physically for next few days at least! Thank you so much!!!
  10. As I sit here and write this, I’m still in a daze from the last session. I can feel the tight marks of flesh pushing up on my rear burning with a warm intensity. I feel the remnants of the scent of the mistresses I sessioned with imprinted on my mind. Most of all, I feel utterly and completely reborn into a person I thought I had lost long ago. Let’s take a step back though. Good stories always have a beginning and that’s a reasonable enough place to start. I live overseas and had received word that I would be having to make a trip to the states. Beyond the obligations I had, one of my first thoughts was I wanted to visit a professional domina. I had been involved in the lifestyle years back and it felt like the right time to make a move forward. Having never visited a mistress, let alone one in New York, I was a bit daunted. I was halfway across the world. How could I possibly find a reputable location by searching alone? It wasn’t long until I found the Fetish Fortress website and was immediately taken. This where I would visit my first professional mistress. Or should I say first three professional mistresses! After speaking with Mistress Emma Ree, I was convinced into booking a session with Mistress Katz, Mistress Von Dietz, and Mistress Zito. I scheduled for near the end of my New York Trip, to finish the experience with something amazing. That’s the way it would have stayed, but things came up. I had a visit with family in Florida before New York and I’ll give you a guess how that went (here’s a hint. Family and Florida were mentioned in the same sentence). After that I felt that I needed to start New York off spectacularly as well. With a few more e-mails, I successfully booked with Mistress Shankar and Mistress Jin to session a little after I arrived, giving myself enough time to check into my room and get cleaned up after the flight. Unfortunately, due to a misworded email, my check-in time was scheduled for after my session with Mistress Shankar and Mistress Jin. Needless to say, I found ways to get cleaned up and presentable, and hauled my baggage to the Fortress. There was no way I was going to miss this experience. From here on out, I’m not one to give lurid details. It’s never been something I feel comfortable doing when there is another party or parties involved. If any of the Mistresses mentioned above approve, I’ll more than happily share, but for now I’ll stick to the vague. With Mistress Jin and Mistress Shankar, there was such an amazing dynamic. Mistress Jin’s playful sternness combined with intimidating tutelage of Mistress Shankar made for an unforgettable two hours. So much so in fact, I wanted more. Following that session I immediately booked three hours with Mistress Shankar two days later. The time waiting for that session was pure agony. I’m sure many of you have felt that anticipation of knowing something you want is just about to come, but still so far away. I had a taste of what was to come, and it made me realize that I had been starving. I wanted to be back under the gaze of Mistress Shankar, to offer my body for her amusement. She did as she wished with me and I was lost to the ecstasy of subspace. I fell so deep that I think I had a minor breakdown after I left. To me, this was digging up a lot of old memories for me. Good memories have you, but memories all the same. Things that have passed that will never be regained. That’s my own personal demon to exorcise. Getting into the mindset that things can continue. Mistress Shankar and Mistress Jin started me on the path of this thinking, and, in our second session, Mistress Shankar showed me the light at the end of the path. It was heavy stuff to me. This hasn’t even gotten into the last session, and first that I booked. My triple two hour session with Mistress Katz, Mistress Von Dietz, and Mistress Zito. I’ll admit fully, I went into this session scared. These three goddesses were going to shatter me. Sitting on my knees awaiting their arrival, I could feel my heart rate quicken. Again, the details are not mine to give out. I feel as though the sessions, along with my experience in them, are truly the property of the ladies leading them. To whet the appetite of perversity though, I can say that I safeworded in this session. I’ve never called out yellow before, but I think this just reached that mix of psychological and physical that I needed a second to calm. It brought me low and really showed me how powerless I am in the face of everything. So I sit here and type this. My body battered, my emotions pulled free from my darkest areas, but I can’t keep myself from feeling rejuvenated. I haven’t felt like this in so long. I feel as though I’m actually moving forward, instead the stagnation I was in. I know the impetus is on me to keep that momentum going, and I know I have to. If I don’t I would be doing a disservice to Mistress Jin, Mistress Shankar, Mistress Katz, Mistress Von Dietz, and Mistress Zito and I can’t bear to do that to them, after they’ve given me so much. I can’t thank you all enough. Seriously, there are no words for what you have all done. This experience has truly changed my life and put me back on a good path. Now, you think I could get one more session before I leave Saturday?
  11. Hey there, I wanted to see if anyone had a similar experience to this. I just got done with a session with Mistress Shankar (I'll be sure to write all about it in a longer post concerning all my sessions) that went wonderfully. After saying our goodbyes, which admittedly saddens me as I don't know the next time I'll be stateside, I left and almost immediately broke down crying. It wasn't really from anything in particular, I think the session just brought out a lot of emotional baggage that I've been carrying for too long. It was another hour until I was okay (I'm sure I must've been a terror to look at!).I guess I'm just asking if anyone else has experienced that, just completely breaking down after a session about things that had nothing to do with the session. Thoughts? Thank you for reading!
  12. Mistress Katz, I think after my session with Mistress Shankar today (I just had to session with her again before I left), I'm ready to be the best sub I can be for you, Mistress Von Dietz, and Mistress Zito! Looking forward to meeting you in a few days!
  13. To Mistress Shankar and Mistress Jin, Thank you so much. I can't express how much that meant to me. In more lightheartedness, I'm sure I should now be trembling as soon I'll be meeting Mistress Von Dietz, Mistress Zito, and Mistress Katz!
  14. Mistress Von Dietz, I think it could be called anticipation. I'm shaking even as I type this!
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