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need to serve

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Everything posted by need to serve

  1. Potentially my answer could change. If Mistress B is asking me to reveal the "specific thing", it may be apparent that she has knowledge of Mistress A and "the thing". If it seems like Mistress B already has the information and my confirmation of such could bring no harm, I might confirm. What the "specific thing" is would be important.
  2. Super Hot photo!!! thank you
  3. I would keep the thing confidential. Blabbing is a no win situation. Had one told they would exhibit to Mistress B that they are not to be trusted and if Mistress A found out that could raise a whole bunch of shit along with not trusting.
  4. Enjoy your first session!!!! I would book 2 hours if you are able. I would imagine that getting you dressed and primped would take a bit of time, so you want to have some time to play. Mistress Zito would probably let you know what of your stuff to bring. Enjoy!!
  5. An inflatable hood can deprive hearing, sight and scent. I have worn these in session while bound to a cross or bed. The vulnerability is intense as I have no idea if pain, pleasure or something in between is coming. The breathing tube allows for breath play, though you might want to use a hood that can allow you to see the eyes of your subject. A simple thing like a whartenberg wheel becomes more intense due to the sensory loss.
  6. For me, what is most humiliating is situational. For Mistress to just kind of randomly mock my intelligence would not be humiliating. Had I failed at some task and Mistress pointed to my intelligence (or lack thereof) as the reason for failure would be somewhat humiliating. For Mistress to mock my luck in genes in a random way would not be humiliating. For Mistress to mock that someone of my gene caliber (I think that I made that up) could never attain someone of Her gene caliber while being made to crawl across the floor and beg for the privilege of a humiliating masturbation in her presence; well that's quite another story. I think all of what you posted could be extremely humiliating in context.
  7. You are very beautiful Mistress Von Dietz. What is that in the photo with you?
  8. Report post Who was the first Mistress you sessioned with? I do not remember the name of the first Mistress that I sessioned with. My first session was pre-internet and we relied on print ads in papers such as "Screw Magazine". I booked a session at what turned out to be a house that offered BDSM as one item on a more extensive list of services. It was quite enough to whet my appetite and I would rapidly find a "real Mistress". That Mistress was named Mistress Allison and is whom I will refer to in "the first" replies to the rest of this post. Who was the last (most recent) Mistress you served? Most recently I have served Mistress Von Dietz. When I first visited Mistress Allison, I was 22 or 23 years old. I found her in the advertising section of Screw Magazine. Their BDSM listings were in the section named "Hell's Belles". I chose her based on a limited amount of text in a small print ad (about the size of a business card and a half) and a photo. She was wearing some leather in the photo. We sessioned in her apartment in midtown Manhattan which was reasonably equipped. When I first visited Mistress Von Dietz I was 55 years old. I found her on both Eros and this site. I chose to serve her based on her website description as well as some posts by her or about her on this forum. We sessioned at FF. The similarities are that they both are/were talented, experienced and attractive. The differences are harder to identify as with Mistress Allison everything and I mean everything was new to me so that each session was an expansion of limits and an exercise in trust. Mistress Von Dietz has access to tools and wardrobe that were not so accessible thirty years ago and She knows how to use it all very well. Each session has been a new to us experience which has expanded trust and relaxed inhibitions. I think that the newer items that can be played with go well with me and new wardrobe styles that kind of are the next generation of my favorite fetish wear can be an enhancement. I am enjoying sessions again in a way that I haven't in a while!!!
  9. Best of Luck to you Mistress Rey!! That is a very courageous commitment that you have made! Is there a prescribed duration of study to graduate from this apprenticeship? Or, do you just keep apprenticing until the teacher says that you have it? All the best .
  10. Back in the day when I was still smoking and it was okay to do so indoors, I was smoking a cigarette and cleaning up after session. My Mistress at the time noticed that I was pushing with a finger below the base of my scrotum and pushing out semen into a paper towel (this would have been post session drip later). Mistress asked "Can all guys do that?" My reply was "I never took a survey!!" When we were done laughing She said that while my flippant reply was funny, it would need to be paid for. The penalty was that I had to continue pushing out the semen onto each of the cigarettes left in the pack and then put the cigarettes back in the back. I was to think about being less sarcastic with each inhale over the next two days.
  11. I have really enjoyed it. So, it is very confining. It wraps tightly around every bit of you kind of like saran wrap, only it will seal around a body part such as a leg, whereas saran wrap will leave daylight between say the top of your leg and the bondage table as the wrap runs a straight line to the edge of the table. There is a trust factor as your Domme must be mindful of your breathing tube. While I have not seen this "from the top" Mistress Von Dietz has told me that she can see what every finger and toe are doing as the vacuum takes all of the air out of the thing. Each body part has a heightened sensitivity due to the feel of the latex and the tightness of the wrap. It can be relaxing and stimulating at the same time. The only limitation is that the bulk of the play will need to focus where the two holes are whereas; with saran wrap, Mistress can just cut an access hole wherever she likes. Though it is excellent for some very confined sounds play!!!
  12. I have done a few hypnosis scenes. They are cool. I think that my attraction to them is about a loss of inhibition. The thought of being a "mind controlled servant" is attracted, but I realize that this is not going to be achieved through some short term hypnosis. I have been bound with no ties. I have experienced a very deep loss of inhibition.
  13. Has anyone had any experience with hypnosis in session? Do any of the FF ladies have any education or experience in this? Do any of the guys? The thought of mind control or to just be so acceptant of a Domme's suggestions is extremely attractive to me? The idea of an altered conciousness that renders me totally pliable is a huge turn on? Any experiences or desires to share?
  14. I hope that you heal up soon so that you can get the beating of your life!!!
  15. I have sessioned with Mistress Von Dietz three times since the New Year. I feel that we are developing a rapport and a connection. Mistress Von Dietz has been really great with some post sessioning probing of my experiences and desires and she has shared some of hers also. The sessions have been great as I am driven to more and longer sessions.
  16. It was pure entertainment. Did not need to put mental effort into it. The soundtrack is really good. I often enjoy more thought provoking films or films with a social commentary. I was in the mood to be entertained...and entertained I was.
  17. My latest favorite movie is "The Greatest Showman". It is a BIG MOVIE with a great sound track. They must have had a great time making it. Here is a "rehearsal" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PluaPvhkIMU...Watchit through..
  18. It was cool. She even passed a note to the cab driver so that I couldn't hear where we were going. What was interesting for me was that with the loss of sight, I was paying attention to the cabs turns for sense of direction. It was a really good scene.
  19. So..Redhat, how did the session go? I once did a kidnap scene where Mistress informed me that I was to be on a certain corner at a certain time. We were very familiar with each other. She came up from behind me and threw a sweatshirt over my head and grabbed me. She acted like it was a game as she giggled and laughed for the many passersby on the busy midtown street. She bent a finger back and whispered to me that she would break it if I didn't follow her instruction. She hailed a cab and pushed me into the back of it. The sweatshirt remained over my head as we laughed and giggled for the benefit of the cab driver. She now had an arm behind my back and a wrist hold that could be painful. She threatened that if I were to blow her cover with the cabbie the wrist would break and that she had a wide open shot to the groin. When we arrived near the dungeon, the sweatshirt remained over my head and she would pull my head into her so that the passerby could not see that the sweatshirt was actually a blindfold. Into the dungeon we went where she would use all methods of torture and tease to extract my confession and enslavement.
  20. I would like to get back into sessioning more regularly and finding a strong connection with one Domme so as to explore limit pushing/expansion and develop a rapport. Personal play time is a luxury these days.
  21. I have taken some light bastinado from Mistress Rey. She seems to enjoy it. We did not push to a point of significant though temporary discomfort.
  22. Hello UnderPromise, When I went into my first session I was very well aware of my fetish and desire to submit. I have been involved in discussions with others who were not so conscious of what they wanted/desired other than that they wanted to explore. From that exploration, some have evolved from submissive to dominant and dominant to submissive, some are just fetishists or kinky and others have moved on. If something is compelling you to "check it out" and you have the means to do that, why not check it out? My experience has been that when I have made choices solely based on appearance, I have made bad choices. Not always, though most of the time. When I have done research and have identified someone who shares interests with me and that I am also physically attracted to, I have never had a bad session. I may not get a great session, though typically when I do the research I get sessions that range from very good to great.
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