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Mistress Zora Jin

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Everything posted by Mistress Zora Jin

  1. Yeah these companies market themselves as a "Kidnapping Adventure service provider" LOL has anyone tried this before?
  2. LOL have you seen Behind Convent Walls? Another nun movie for you to masturbate to. You're welcome
  3. I remember MapleStory. Everyone was obsessed with it at one point lol
  4. Scary! That reminds me of the Eye of the Beholder episode on the Twilight Zone.
  5. She also said “Our Constitution does not allow for cruel and unusual punishment. If it did … I would allow some or many people to do to him what he did to others.” She basically told him that she hopes he gets raped in jail lol
  6. I remember playing Nintendo 64 growing up and had a lot of fun playing pokemon and Zelda. I still love playing Zelda games and their new one, Breath of the Wild, is amazing.
  7. Since English is hard enough for you to comprehend, speaking in another language might just mean that you'll be punished for the whole session because of your inability to fulfill our commands!
  8. I love haunted houses because its kind of campy and a ton of fun, but this is more like a torture chamber. No thanks!
  9. It's really hard to frequently use another language in America. Even in NYC where there are over 800 different languages spoken everyday, 2nd and 3rd generation Americans find it extremely difficult to learn their parent's native tongue. Losing 95% of what you learned is better than losing 100%. Keep practicing and maybe you can up that percentage!
  10. Makes sense since sexual repression leads to pent up fantasies and sexual impulses!
  11. HAHA good choice! One of the things that I like about BDSM is the communication (verbal or nonverbal) between the people involved. If I hit too hard to too lightly, I get a small response either through body language or a whimper and adjust accordingly. I don't think Mckamey Manor accounts for their victims well being at all which can be interesting, but something I do not want to experience.
  12. I recently started watching bad sci fi movies like They live (1988) and Johnny Mnemonic (1995) The story line is pretty creative, but the acting is fucking hilarious. Definitely give these movies a try if you have nothing to do on a weekend!
  13. The need to understand others is a very important drive in learning another language since humans are social animals. How many languages have you learned in order to understand what others were saying? It seems that most people start learning dirty words before they get into other expressions lol
  14. HAHA good answer. Hope you can accomplish that in 2018
  15. Haha I'm always so surprised when a non-Asian sub starts speaking to me in Mandarin. It's really impressive because it's a hard language to learn, but a few of them are pretty good!
  16. Would you try chastity only in session or take it a step further and let your Mistress decide when she wants to unlock it? It could be a couple of days or a few weeks depending on her mood.
  17. Can you imagine what type of spankings you will receive from Serena Williams? You're ass will be blue until 2019.
  18. LOL we'll all be here waiting to give you a well deserved spanking when you return
  19. What motivates one person to learn another language? Is it the culture or the intricacy of the language itself?
  20. I think it looks scarier than it really is. Others have also said that it's peaceful inside
  21. I hope it does all take place and you get the spanking that you deserve lol
  22. Interesting! I've been to Fort Totten and had no clue that so many scenes were shot there! Local kids used to tell us that it was haunted though hahaha I never believed them, but let me know if you've experienced anything strange while working there.
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