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Everything posted by otaku

  1. What JAG said, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! May there be thousands more to come! ???
  2. I tried painting my fingernails. Also ruined part of my table with acetone. yay
  3. Have you played the Yakuza series? It's pretty fun, you can get Yakuza 0 from Humble Bundle for like 5 bucks. It's a console port so textures and graphics aren't quite PC standard, but the story is dope
  4. Full match list Willow Rosenberg (Buffy the Vampire Slayer): 76% Abed Nadir (Community): 75% Richard Hendricks (Silicon Valley): 75% Howard Wolowitz (The Big Bang Theory): 74% Ian Duncan (Community): 73%
  5. Yup, that's the one lol. I wonder what they use as visual stimulation since porn is banned in China
  6. In some countries they have a machine attached to a fake vagina with temperature regulation and everything
  7. Hopefully the next treat lives up to your expectations!?
  8. While we're on this subject..... What's a good way to ask your Mistress what she prefers to be called without arousing suspicion that you've avoided saying any names because you're not sure what she prefers. But you're in too deep to ask after all this time. Asking for a fellow sub, of course
  9. I'm happy you liked them! ? Here's the recipe for the tiramisu and chocolate
  10. I believe the one he mentioned is this one
  11. I deserve nothing, but the worst ?
  12. Has anyone been to Warsaw Prison in Poland?
  13. Aren't they just two sides of the same coin?
  14. I think I identify as a sissy, slut, degradee, pet (human), brat and experimentalist. Maybe a painslut too? I also identify as a submissive, but tbh I feel complicated about that one. It feels like I'm just being a bottom rather than actually submitting? The psychological desire just isn't there or something. I know I'm submissive towards certain people...
  15. Wish I could deliver, but next time is so distant...?
  16. No guarantees, but I'll do my best to make something edible! Glad to be useful for something!
  17. Some forms of physical degradation such as spitting, piss, consumption, eating cum and such because it makes me feel "dirty" and improper. I have some pride in acting like I have decency (even though I have none), so when that's stripped away it's..... difficult being bratty. Another would be begging or saying things that reaffirm my perverseness. For example one time Mistress Kang had me repeat "I'm a slutty little girl" over and over if I wanted her to ______. I was dressed up and extremely uncomfortable/stressed locked in the stockade. But even so I still had a choice. The desire for pleasure overwrote my inhibition. Verbal humiliation from Mistresses such as sph, physical traits and degradation doesn't really affect me mentally, but I do find it interesting if not funny.
  18. Probably only if the guy was feminine or something. I like dicks, just not men
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