I'm not even sure what I'm talking about has anything to do with domination, that's part of the trouble/part of my doubt... but I am interested in explict and implicit power dynamics, and the tension between them and how the person with explicit power isn't always (or even often) the one with the most implicit power? Or something like that. I find verbalizing it difficult, maybe precisely because I am verbal, and somewhat overly literal by default, and this is different, and verbalizing these things can't help but change them sometimes, trading implicit for explicit like matter into energy, or vice-versa.
In more concrete terms, I'm excited by exhibitionist scenarios that risk discovery or being walked in on/caught in the act, and/or have an element of being public and inappropriate, but I've never really found a good way to pursue them with past partners. One friend recently suggested some hotels on the highline have some qualities appealing to voyeurs, but I'm not sure it's quite voyeurism I'm interested in, as that scenario is less exciting to me, actually being watched as opposed to the possibility of being caught.