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  1. Oh also curious for advice if I go, there was some back and forth with Mistress Ree about who she thought would most "get me" from my guesses, which contrasted with who I was most attracted to based on pictures... any advice from others on which is more important for a successful first experience?
  2. I'm not even sure what I'm talking about has anything to do with domination, that's part of the trouble/part of my doubt... but I am interested in explict and implicit power dynamics, and the tension between them and how the person with explicit power isn't always (or even often) the one with the most implicit power? Or something like that. I find verbalizing it difficult, maybe precisely because I am verbal, and somewhat overly literal by default, and this is different, and verbalizing these things can't help but change them sometimes, trading implicit for explicit like matter into energy, or vice-versa. In more concrete terms, I'm excited by exhibitionist scenarios that risk discovery or being walked in on/caught in the act, and/or have an element of being public and inappropriate, but I've never really found a good way to pursue them with past partners. One friend recently suggested some hotels on the highline have some qualities appealing to voyeurs, but I'm not sure it's quite voyeurism I'm interested in, as that scenario is less exciting to me, actually being watched as opposed to the possibility of being caught.
  3. So the idea of going to a dungeon never even occurred to me until Friday night, when a friend moving to the city mentioned interest in the idea, which made me curious. My ex-girlfriend was a submissive/masochist, and we played around a bit, but actual bondage and S&M has little or no appeal to me. The psychological side of submission/domination is a little more complicated/might have more appeal? I loved Secretary certainly, but I've been pretty vanilla in my sex life until now. Considered starting a fetlife account, but haven't/haven't been sure what I'd be looking for there... Basically I'm curious if many/any people went into the fortress with little idea what their kink might be, if any, and came away with clarity and certainty on what excites them? I'm also curious if so, who you saw and what the exploration/discovery was like. I've had some conversation with Mistress Emma Ree about scheduling my first appointment, but thought I should ask here for experience first.
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