my experience is actuall a single one, and yes i cried.
i went to that asian Lady and had to do some household chores for her, naked. then minutes before her girlfriends arrived, i had to get dressed like a girl. then serve them tea and do the dishes, then do a strip-tease for them. so far so good, even if i know that i am a very bad dancer and they all had their fun, then they made a kind of card-game and i only later understood that they were playing "who is making him cry ..... i had to be kneeling naked in front of the winner and look into her eyes, she then kicked my balls, i had to kiss her foot, say "thank You" and look back into her eyes, waiting for the next kick. that until i cried.
what i still not understand is: did i cry out of pain or was it the cumulated humiliation ?