The Ritz, although nice isn't so "Ritzie" I was there using a corporate rate. Still nice hotel w/amazing pool and beach. I can only imagine the commotion you'd cause simply by laying out in your teeny bikini.
Mistress Kang...where in Puerto Rico did you go. I'm a fan of the Ritz (at a good rate) since it's so close to the airport and the pool is just steps from the amazing beach.
Mistress Kang...there's no way i could choose but one. I know it's been quite some time since I've visited you at the Fortress, but this just reminds that I need to get back soon.
Wow...certainly a side of Thailand that I didn't see when I was there.
By the way, MJK, you are looking even more amazing than ever...even the pics without the makeup
Mistress Kang,
Just an fyi that there's another site, where you can post (free) more explicit videos, perhaps of you and/or the other Mistresses doing what they do best to us slutboys.
I too, am tongue tied after seeing that photo of you with your breasts straining to get out of that t-shirt. Of course it would be great if my tongue was allowed to worship them, but I guess this will have to do
Nude...definitely as I think the black thing is overdone. Best possible would be me on my back, looking up and seeing those nude stockinged legs as you squat above my mouth as you're about to deliver some of that delicious Kang nectar.
4th photo of Mistress Lee - Medical Latex...amazing legs and ass - Would love to be on my knees just worshipping Mistress Chan with my tongue