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  1. Ms. Kang ... Do you have a best guess as to when the Players will be able to be vaccinated ... it would seem that youth and beauty are at the bottom of the list. Also, is your under 50 rule still in effect?
  2. Still plenty of time to buy some red envelopes... i'll wish you ..'Good Luck'.. now tho ! Both 'next years' are sure to be better.
  3. Which do you look forward to more.. Jan 1 or Feb 12 ?
  4. CO... I'm happy to hear of your good fortune. You mentioned a chess game and it reminded me of a blog post I read the other day... https://feeds.feedblitz.com/~/640417920/0/sethsblog/posts~Whats-your-game/ *(Note the last paragraph). Yours is a new game on a new board with a new player and with no established rules.. So why does 'deserve' even enter into this game. ... And it is just a game.. not a competition. Seems wiser to simply enjoy participating in the game and not worry too much about the score.
  5. CO ... welcome back ... Forgive the pun but like riding a bike ... you can never forget how.
  6. You probably have to be exposed to the culture to get an understanding of it... My wife is Japanese, .. I've traveled there a number of times, .. i watch Japanese programing on tv,.. and enjoy novels by Japanese authors. The mind set is very different from western views ... they're more spiritual and are deep-thinkers about even the most mundane things in life. Think about the simple beauty of even a tiny Japanese garden,.. or the original Ninja Warrior programs from years ago that started in Japan ... far better than the current nonsense that has been Americanized.
  7. Then you'd probably enjoy "My Brilliant Friend" on HBO.. seasons 1 and 2 .. excellent. The novels were very good and this didn't disappoint as is usually the case. The sub-titles made it so much more enjoyable. Takes place in post WWII Naples, with a cast of young unknown actors and the dialog is spoken in the true Neapolitan dialect ... which is beautiful to listen to ... so that you are immersed in the story. **** btw .. just watched the 1st episode of "The Vow" also on HBO, which looks interesting ... a documentary about the so called "sex cult" Nxivm that was reported on in detail by the NY Times in 2017.
  8. You'll hate yourself if you have to leave after just one hour. A two hour session is a must...especially for a first timer.
  9. Ms. Jin... you could become the perfect "Alita: Battle Angel"... (but with blue hair) ...no one would be able to defeat you. Not even the powerful "Jayman" on his best day.
  10. I can sense the wistfulness in this .. as i've sensed it on other occasions. Truly hope you find it ... you've got a lot to offer the right one. Thanks, that means a lot. I'm relieved to see that you went with "wisfusion" rather than "condom" Stay well.
  11. phil... Both are interconnected and both ring true to some degree .. and that kinda sums up my underlying confusion. Along with this observation, everything else you've mentioned in this thoughtful reply is on target, and even desirable in session. But while i could never allow real-time slavery to be a part of my life.. i'm concerned that another part of me might secretly crave the emotional rush of it to fill a void. And that would be troublesome for sure. I'll just have to tread carefully. .... Thanks Dr. phil, this back and forth has brought some clarity to my thoughts... be sure to send me your bill.
  12. Ms. Jin, I'm guessing that no matter what I think is proper I should be sure to bring a large sock and a roll of quarters.
  13. Hey DM... As soon as I saw Ms. Kang's reply, I said to myself... "how did I manage to get myself into such a classic DumbMule situation?" Never saw it coming.
  14. phil ... thank you so much for your concern ..it means a lot and you're definitely hitting a few nerve endings here. Gonna reread your comments a few times and see where they take me... ttyl.
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