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Everything posted by Alpheus

  1. Yes! Make me cry next time, While I am flayed alive, by the Goddess Divine. Btw, my scars lasted about 20 days last session. Amazing! You really are the best
  2. A Goddess usually requires a human sacrifice before she can embark on a long quest. ::volunteers::
  3. So Sad that the last battle-scar should be faded out by late tomorrow, you will have to make them go deeper next time! ?
  4. Unspeakable perfection, this is what i hope to gaze upon once i can't bare any more physical torture, it will make me strong again for the next round.
  5. Ooo! I am a Jewboy too, please punish me for it. Can't wait to meet you this saturday!? divine rapture has enslaved me to your every will. Lets make it hurt. ?
  6. I have requested SPH and verbal insults so cruel and mean that they alone could make me cry even if brutal physical abuse was not deployed(which it certainly will) from Von Dietz this saturday on my first time-visit to the fortress! I shall have a review soon! I am so excited.
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