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Everything posted by Mattzilla

  1. Mistress Ito you definitely more than tripled it You and Mistress Ly were amazing. My vase is still feeling it hope you both enjoy my gift
  2. Looking forward to today with Mistress Ito and Mistress Ly. A trip to the fortress is always exciting and seeing someone for the very first time adds to the anticipation. Opening up yourself to complete strangers in such a complete way is simultaneously thrilling and terrifying. Something hard to explain unless you get it
  3. My fitness regime is free weights dumbbells kettle bells 3x week, karate 3x week, trying to add in some consistent cardio run/bike/elliptical
  4. I am not personally into role playing or anything like that, so for me my ideal mistress is someone that I can connect with and talk with about anything while she has her way with me. From a purely physical perspective all of the ladies at the fortress are very attractive. I am currently biased towards Mistress Feng as her personality coupled with her exquisite figure was an honor to behold. The glasses coupled with the amazing ink work was perfection to me. But the mind behind it all was what really made the difference to me.
  5. When I was about 15 I somehow got the idea all on my own to use hot wax on my cock/balls. I hadn’t seen this anywhere it was before the internet. This led to shaving them bald. I liked the pain and I loved how sensitive it was during masturbation. When I hit 16 I became obsessed with being exposed outdoors. My parents house bordered on a small forest, we had paths and BMX bike jumps out there. I began going out at night and stripping nude to see how far I had the balls to go. When I hit my limit I’d madturbate, after I came I was overcome with shame I liked that feeling but didn’t know why. So it progressed to the point where I would leave all my clothes behind and hike an hour nude. Occasionally I’d get to the side of the highway Rte 80 in NJ, I’d walk out there totally exposed. As my need for a thrill continued I started doing the wood hike in daylight- almost caught several times. It wasn’t until I got to college that it all came together.
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