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Mistress Eva Koi

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Everything posted by Mistress Eva Koi

  1. one of mistress koi's many pets 😈
  2. no animal cruelty allowed!! being mean to subs is a different story
  3. Marking off the days Til he gets to put his nose Where the sun don't shine 😜
  4. There's nothing to be embarrassed about. Trust me, we've seen it all, and we love it! Let your freak flag fly here. This is a safe space
  5. He's long overdue For this stinky aroma In his nose for days
  6. From the album: Mistress Eva Koi

    The Koi in this picture may be larger than she appears
  7. Mistress Eva Koi

    Mistress Eva Koi

  8. What nice...pajamas!!
  9. Maybe you're just not looking closely enough
  10. Tears of both happiness and pain 😁
  11. All the more to torment you with
  12. Hiding in plain sight!! Just missing my red and white beanie
  13. Good subs follow rules If the day comes that you don't Then you'll get the slap
  14. I bet you'd love to know that one The person below me likes to get choked
  15. This is not haiku A great punishment awaits When you don't listen
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