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Everything posted by Xrispy

  1. Any where beneath you is the most sacred place. ?
  2. In 5th grade Paige on the play ground used to hit me with her street hockey stick as hard as she could. Paige was the finest girl in school and she confessed she had a crush on me. So she continued beating me. I must say it was confusing and exhilarating!
  3. Hello Mistress Gong! I hope you are well!?
  4. ?!You are so beautiful! Can you wear that top at our next session? I am so psyched for our 3rd time around.
  5. Mistress Westwood! I can’t wait to be on my knees, the view from below must be stunning. See you soon!
  6. Hello Mistress Song ! I can’t wait to meet you! I hope I can please you! See you Thursday!
  7. ?Mistress Gong?! I hope we can do more soon! ?happy lunar new year! ?
  8. Mistress Krave, Link here, https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11577487/amp/Dominatrix-speaks-demanding-250k-taxpayer-money-build-eco-friendly-dungeon.html
  9. Mistress Gong! I have been very naughty! ??????⚡️??????
  10. Mistess Song I know very little about medical fetish. I would love watching you put on nitrile elbow gloves!
  11. They are linked to this new play spade in Miami, see the article below, https://www.miaminewtimes.com/news/club-pink-pussycat-storied-miami-strip-joint-is-no-more-13926168
  12. I had my second interview with Mistress Gongs boarding school. I scored pretty high on depth and girth. I must say that her curriculum is truly mind, throat and ass expanding. How can I become the teachers pet! Should I bring some gifts to warm the teachers heart? Run don’t walk!❤️ Mistress Gong❤️ will tutor you with intelligence, power and exquisite beauty!
  13. I can relate Books, for some of us it is impossible to put into words the desires we hold. I think that you need to build a rapport so the Mistress can get to know how deep to go. I do play with a friend regularly who has been pushing my limits like crazy, almost too much. I would constantly have to reassure her that don’t worry, it’s not going to break. Well last week it broke. ?it is getting better now.
  14. Mistress Sato! I am down! Do you think a strap-on goes well with yoga pants??
  15. This is the only way you could get me close to a video game.
  16. Stunning! What a privilege to have been beneath you!?
  17. Eve was the first being from which all humans came from. One lonely day while playing in the garden she sculpted. Adam from some mud, menstrual fluid and pubic hairs. She took him for a ride around the block and though I can do better. Then she made Lucifer.
  18. I was listening to some west African drums today and I though how cool would it be to get pummeled in perfect rhythmic time. Slap/Tone/Bass! Hit me Mistress!
  19. Mistress Feng, How are your whipping skills coming along? The shear ecstasy I experienced from Mistress Gongs whipping was a complete surprise to me.
  20. I am taking in every word! I need some resistance training! Both my brains are completely under your control! Now it’s time to pounce!?
  21. Mistress Gong! I attended your open house and WOW! Sign me up! Let’s not wast a moment of our session on anything but!
  22. Thank you Mistress Gong! I am very eager to be under your spell! I have so much to learn!
  23. Most beautiful Mistress Gong and Mistress Feng! Looks like I am the most lucky one ever to soon be under your spell!
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