Also had a session with Mistress Gong over the weekend. Figured I'd put my review here instead of making a new thread.
Like Chocotaco said, she's really good at keeping you in your comfort zone while still pushing you to try new things and your limits. I'm completely new to this kind of thing, and she walked me through everything very deftly. It honestly went way smoother than I expected. Assumed there would be hiccups here and there due to my lack of knowledge and etiquette in this setting, but she assuaged those concerns. I'm not one to get really nervous but it was still all so new. She kept things casual which helped me enjoy my session. Can confirm she truly loves what she does.
Stepping away from what Chocotaco said, a session with Mistress Gong is such a fun time. I had a two hour session, minimum time if I wanted to try the Vacuum Bed. I thought that'd be a long time, but the session was so enjoyable, I thought less than an hour had passed by the time it was all unfortunately over. Since I'm very new, I wasn't sure what else I wanted to try or what I may enjoy, but she figured out other activities that apparently suited me. It was a time of exploration for myself, and she was one hell of a tour guide. She took everything into account from my low libido to my discomforts. I can't speak on any of the other mistresses at FortressNYC, but if you're interested in Mistress Gong, she's definitely newbie friendly.
In terms of what we did, I need to preach a little bit about the Vacuum Bed. It's such an amazing experience. It can completely constrain even a big guy like myself. I was surprised when Mistress Gong told me it's not used very often. Not only are y'all missing out on some insanely cool bondage, but you're not letting the mistresses have fun with it. Think of how they feel and ask for it in your next session!
Jokes aside, my first BDSM soiree was an experience I very much cherish. I learned a lot about myself. Only booked a session in the first place because a friend who does BDSM sent it my way. Wouldn't have looked for it myself otherwise. But I'm very glad I did. Instead of simply satiating my curiosity I will be coming back for certain. Special thanks to the head mistress for answering my questions and facilitating everything. Between her and Mistress Gong, I can tell it's a very welcoming and professional environment that I see myself revisiting confident that I'll be well taken care of.
Thank you very much Mistress Gong for providing such an amazing experience.
P.S. To everyone else, especially the mistresses, I would very much love to hear about your experience(s) and ideas with the Vacuum Bed, I'm definitely hooked and want to explore more with it.