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Ford Ranger

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  1. Yes! And I learned more on femdomcommunity than anywhere else. I wish it had existed when I was younger!
  2. Sweaty Mistress Gong in the desert? *whew* Glad it was great!
  3. How could I bite with my mouth already stretched and full?
  4. I was luckily able to walk okay, but it did take me a few days to be able to wear a tight t-shirt!
  5. Wow. Had my first two-hour session with Mistress Gong today. She knew I had some experience, and I had put pretty much everything on the table. It was pure intensity from moment one. She explored some of the ideas she had been floating on the forum. I was … well, let’s just say I wasn’t in a position to say much about it. But I was in a position to listen. (And hopefully listen well!) What an honor to get to be her toy today.
  6. Who can say who was the real winner that day!
  7. We were in HS. She had one knee on my chest and the other leg stretched … down … with her arms in the air like she was celebrating a victory. And that was that.
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