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Everything posted by Ballonlord7

  1. Yeah, wow is right! I’m definitely going to be sessioning with them both too. I can’t wait to finally get to try being tied down and tickled!
  2. Hey ticklelover. I was just wondering who have you sessioned with at the fetish fortress and do you have any recommendations? I recently made a post about tickling too since that’s my thing too😅. I’m not sure if I will be able to go soon but I’m trying to research before I go and get tickled ceaselessly and out of my mind 🫣.
  3. I’ll absolutely have to 😣. You will definitely be one of the amazing people tickling me senseless.
  4. Thanks for the advice everyone! I’ll have to look into getting a session soon with two mistress tickling me relentlessly. 😅😬
  5. Hey everyone, 👋 I’m new here. I was wanting to setup a foot fetish/ tickling session at the fortress in the future. To clarify I want to be the Lee. Does anyone have any recommendations of players who love tickling? I also wanted to ask if people think it’s a good idea to only book one mistress and only one hour considering I’m new to this whole thing. I think I like being tickled and I’m not sure how ticklish I am. (I’m totally scared if I’m being honest 😅😳). I saw some reviews and posts on here and think it’s a really cool place with intriguing people all over this forum. Thanks for taking the time to read my post and I hope everyone is having a good day whenever you read this. -S
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