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  1. I'd always craved this kind of experience, and over the years, I'd lurk around glancing at the website, apprehensively hovering my mouse cursor over the "book" button only to chicken out and confine my wild side once more to the realm of day dreams. Today, however, I finally went through with it, and I can only say it was a life-changing experience even far more incredle than my most optimistic of hopes, exceeding them in every conceivable way. Mistress Deitz is somehow bafflingly even MORE beautiful in person than her already eyepopping photographs on the website. And while I'm although I don't wish to share the more sensitive details of my experience, I can only say that the 2 hours I spent were so blissful I can't believe they were even real. The only thing I found a bit nerve wracking was the lead up. FortressNYC is very secure and very private and so, on your way to meet your mistress, you WILL feel like Neo after receiving a call from Morpheus. But given the nature of why you're there in the first place, you should have no problems following the instructions. Once my initial fears and jitters wore off, I had the greatest experience imaginable. I'm already thinking ahead to next time.
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