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Everything posted by monokuro
Mistress Ree, Big agree on the question. Is that supposed to be a tribute blog? As for the Team Fortress thing, what position would the lovely Ree be? I was going to make a joke about a character class and swap in Ree for a syllable, turns out I cannot. Clearly not worthy to serve you I'm guessing he was going to frame up Mistress Zhao as a Pyro. -monokuro
Aw, dude, you could at least spell her name right before you field a question like that. Its one vowel for Pete's sake. I'll field this one, I don't think she does online sessions, you must make the trek to NYC to do it. As have numerous others done. -monokuro
Mistress Kang, Oh my goodness, if only Darwin saw that video. "Survival of the fittest" proven. I'm curious as to how shocking his hand would knock him out like that. Well, perhaps he should have set it to stun. One more thing, what would power that thing to knock him out? I don't think a AAA size battery could pull that much juice. -monokuro
mZ, I disagree, Devendra Banhart also is using concepts to craft this cool image. He's really just replying to a cultural trend with "First". In Japan, Malice Mizer or X probably got their own "First" reply to bdsm culture in Asia, whereas Banhart's video is the same thing in a society that's grown to be less likely to ostracize / hunt him down. It really comes down to cultural tolerances, even in the early Noughties or 2000s bdsm still had an underground feel to it with many openly opposed to its existence, but the influential Bible Belt doesn't exist in Japan so themes of bdsm have become so ubiquitous that most people are cool with it being around. Its the difference of 2010 compared to 1990s or 1980s, I agree he's being pure and heartfelt as you described but it is still a marketing ploy. Just like when Koda Kumi or Ali Project use elements of bdsm in their videos it is just a trickle down effect of others going full on. Ultimately its still the music industry in an effort for people to buy him and he went for that untapped market just like how Dir en Grey went for the market of people brave enough to confront some pretty serious social issues in far from pure ways. -monokuro
mZ, Well of course I'll have to post some of them. There are some bdsm themed cafes in Tokyo, but I was told to stay clear of them unless accompanied. (Everybody picks on the tall white kid) And onto the videos: Soulhead - XXX feat. Koda Kumi The obvious things are bondage, corporal punishment, and Yoshika in a military uniform Ali Project - Boukoku Kakusei Catharsis There's a dude on a cross, and he doesn't look very happy about it. He looks more dead. Still, nice costume and music. This is the same musical duo that made Hizamazuite Ashi wo Oname (Kneel Down and Lick my Feet) that I posted in a much earlier topic. Ali Project - Seishoujo Ryouiki Same band as before, a much faster pace in the music, guy in a cage that she stabs but look at her hair, even if that is extension or wig just marvel at how much work that must have taken. Gackt - Vanilla It is the subtitled version, easier to see what he sings. Of course Gackt made a video involving themes of domination, its an automatic cash influx. The themes are in the lyrics more than the video. That's all I could remember in about 10 minutes, I have the feeling that Dir en Grey did some videos with bdsm in them but they're kind of... graphic. Also, G Dragon is the male Korean version of Lady Gaga? I think so -monokuro
mZ, That's a pretty good song. BDSM isn't just in underground music culture, if you look towards Japan, its widespread in the rock and pop videos. Actually some of them can get down right creepy, or down right awesome. I would post some but they're usually pretty graphic, even when already censored. -monokuro
I'd wait until a Nigerian prince wishing to share his massive wealth of billions shows up and asks Mistress Kang if she would like a share. But yes this may be the best post ever, offering strange services for 15 bucks. Not exactly Fortress fares. -monokuro
Mistress Kang, Wait, mustard? Does that mean that you're kosher? There's a joke lurking there about Jewish dietary restrictions and sexual innuendo but I'm not going to take it. -monokuro
Mistress Jung, Ehh kinda sorta. For the sake of people here I'm not going into specifics about how I and several buddies ended up on a ferry to Jeju or how I ended up in South Korea. I think I've repressed most of it because I can only recall arriving in Japan, staying a few days then some broken data in between, then flying back to Canada. -monokuro
Mistress Jung, Looking at that, I'd say maybe a certain park on the South Korean island of Jeju. They have a sex amusement park so that should fit in fine with a few giant phallus statues. Even more fitting that prior to modernization and tourism it was a largely matriarchal society.... Women in control, art mimics life? What? -monokuro
Mistress Kang, When I first saw this topic I thought of small mammals moving at a high velocity, like fur coated rockets. And then somehow becoming entangled in your lovely blonde hair. Is there something inherently wrong with me for thinking that first and foremost? -monokuro
Woffyboy, There shouldn't be any problems with highlighting text. I've just tried it with IE, Chrome, Opera, and Firefox (3 on a USB) just to check for matches to what you've experienced and I couldn't replicate it. It could just be a little glitch in the programming, whenever I try to highlight things on this forum using my mouse it selects the entire text at first before shrinking down to what I wanted. I suppose there's only one question left. Are you on a Mac? If so, I cannot help. -monokuro
Mistress Ree, That's a very humourous single word response. The allcaps help make an impact. One question must be asked, Basmati or White? Which one hurts more? Mistress Jung, I think he probably figured uncooked rice felt like cooked rice too. It could be so much worse though, I've heard of reports of kneeling in cracked peppercorns after sustaining lacerations or irritation to the knee region as a way of building up pain tolerance. I lose colour in my face when I think of how that would feel. A big apology to Fortress regulars for giving ideas of punishments that can be found in kitchens. -monokuro
Mistress Jung, Its a mean punishment, also incorporated in some forms of training. I remember my cousin told me that when he was in the military (Sweden) that he couldn't aim well on uneven ground, so his squad leader made him do his exercises in unboiled rice with just shorts and a sweater on. Like standing (barefoot), kneeling, and prone (on your stomach) to toughen him up. That may not sound like much but he had to do it three times a day for an hour, over the course of a week. As expected he's now a better shot, apparently. -monokuro
Mistress Kang, The new forum format has some slight errors, where you get denied through "[#10245] You are not permitted to view member profiles." I looked at a picture of Mistress Ree in her gallery then clicked on her name and was taken to her profile of all places. Even stranger, I was able to click on someone in her "Friends" section and proceed onto their profile. I just tried accessing Mistress Ree's profile and I received a denial message. I could click around for the coding error then report it, if that's okay with you. -monokuro
Speechless, I just chose an avatar once I saw that post. I chose a picture of HYDE! Look him up and try to say with a straight face that he is not a handsome man, and I am quite comfortable with myself saying that thank you very much. in front of an old convertible with "I'm all out of love, I'm all out of faith" with a kind of animated rain effect. And yes, duly noted, you are quite ovoid and egg-shaped in the face region. I'm not a fanboy -monokuro
Hockey really is our sport more than the Americans since we don't play baseball all that much. Plus when we sent our first team to the Olympics in 1920 to play internationally, we sent a domestic league team and annihilated our opponents 122-3. Everyone else has gotten much better since then and it is mostly Brodeur's fault, we need Luongo in there instead because he won't jump out of net and play baseball with the puck. On another note, have you been following the women's hockey? Its 1920 all over again and it is getting kind of sad. -monokuro
Ms. Choi, It is quite exciting to be in the city during the Olympics because of everyone setting up free venues (other Olympic committees) and just people milling around to watch sports or go to concerts. National Oylmpic groups set up houses like Korea House or Saxony House, you know, cultural stuff. The city is very busy, some parts are almost empty while others are packed. I met Peter Chao (fellow Vancouverite) in a crowd, he has a very distinctive voice in character so it was easy to spot him among the crowd. And after last night, I think Americans should try to lay low in reveling about the US's victory in men's hockey, they're in a city mostly full of Canadians... So much fun, -monokuro
Such an amusing topic... I don't have that kind of stuff that much, mostly because I'm awake at nocturnal hours. Last time I had a "nocturnal emission" was after a dream that was quite bizarre, hence how I can remember. I was in a series of tunnels hunting Care Bears and Stormtroopers with an AK that fired lasers. I was probably in my late secondary school years. Don't you judge me, I still own the leaderboard, at least I think I do. Just throwing in my two cents (Canadian, so like 1.9 cents American) -monokuro
Very nice Mistress Kang, Two can play at that game. Japanese rock is full of famous cross-dressing singers and performers. Hence the examples below. Bou of An Cafe Isshi of kagrra, Asagi of D Kisaki Everyone on there is male. And so, in the words of the beautiful Mistress Kang.... "Confused yet?" -monokuro
Mistress Jung, San Diego is a beautiful city. I remember I had a lot of fun there in my late 'teens and that I got really bad sunstroke. I don't remember that much, but you'll have fun. Unfortunately, it is one of several cities I dare not go back to for various reasons... (On that list is Cleveland, and Tongyeong) Please, do have a relaxing time and enjoy the sight, does anybody know what the translation from German is for San Diego? -monokuro
Mistress Ree, its good to hear you're well. I'm fine, out of all my friends I'm the only one to have no incidents by now I think PETA people would have more of a problem with stuff like that than fur coats... Its really creepy and off putting. That's just like the Predators in the movies that wears skulls on there armor as trophies. -Monokuro
Dear Mistress Ree, I haven't said much for a while, how are you? The other day I found the most terrifying Instructables tutorial yet, although there are much worse I'm guessing, but this was to make an LED rat throwie. Basically stuffing a rat with LEDs and magnets so it can be tossed against a fridge. Your taxidermy book search was kicking around in the background as a catalyst for remembering you (although your radiant smile took precedence by hip-checking the hobby thought over) Check this thing out, it looks demonic: LED Throwie Rat (or Mouse) Weirdest taxidermy-related article I've seen since the Linux Badger. -Monokuro
Oh it happens, Mistress. It also happens if you use it as a trampoline, a substitute to a bottom step, and even a bridge across a river. As for the exercise ball with an attachment that by majority everyone concurs that stability would be increased, you know everyone is thinking "images, please images." lol I did indeed just throw every sub around here under the bus. -Monokuro
Mistress Kang, I'm using the most updated version of Chrome, and it works. In an Incognito Window, of course . -Monokuro