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Mistress Mina Jung

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Everything posted by Mistress Mina Jung

  1. Happy birthday, hope you had a great day
  2. You are so in need of a face slap right now!
  3. Happy Thanksgivng spocky! Sending you good vibes
  4. I just saw this movie, I think the night before Sandy hit. It's definitely one of those "it's so bad it's kind of good" movies, with " kind of" being very generous.
  5. Yes! Except I'm using both hands and feet!
  6. Hi zorba, I'm sorry the storm interfered with your drive to NYC. But don't worry, I will turn your frown upside down the next time we see each other
  7. You don't need a storm for this Hope you are well ct!
  8. Hi tommy! I just wanted to say hello and see what happened with your travels? I;m guessing you were not able to make it to NYC? :(

    1. tommygermany


      Dear Ms. Jung, thank you for asking... unfortunately you are totally right...

      hopefully next time my vacation will turn out better again... hugs from Germany

  9. Thanks for the head's up everyone! How many of you wish you could be "stranded" inside the Fortress with all the Mistresses? The storm outside would be nothing compared to what was going on inside! I get cabin fever easily, but I'm sure I'd find ways to keep myself entertained
  10. LOL, hmmm, I'm not surprised a pervert like you would know such a technique!
  11. I'm with you woffy! Not the bear! Anyone who knows me, knows I am the biggest teddy bear lover!
  12. I'm just the kind of girl you want to bring home to Mom. I once said to a guy friend (before I was about to meet a new boyfriend's mom), "I'm every mother's wet dream!" (referring to my sweet and caring nature sure to take care of her little boy) to which he replied, "more like every father's wet dream." I had to give him that one Ahh memories! I loved our first session as well, I always get a rush violating someone for the first time
  13. I'm not all that familar with the series but if I got to pick a costume, I would go with the one on the far right. I love the fiery colors and the gold cuffs!
  14. Thank you so much neilrh57! Watching you take such pain for me made my day as I'm sure you could tell my the big smile on my face. Our time together went by so quickly and easily, I look forward to playing again
  15. Hi Frankie, I'm so happy to have shared your first BDSM experience with you. I would love to expand on what we've started and see your path of kinky fun unfold
  16. You did? I will review this thread. Once confirmed, my butt will reward you accordingly
  17. You should check out the earl grey creme from Teany, it's a really cute tea shop on the lower east side. I know you'll like it! And even if you don't, I know I can convice you to like it, just the same I'll check on the review for you!
  18. The first time I wore latex I thought the same thing! I kept feeling drips running down my legs and at first I thought it was someone else's sweat (there was close contact involved ) A few juicy drops later, I figured out it was my own luscious thighs creating the wetness. Don't worry, I made sure they did not go to waste. I wonder if this happens to everyone the first time they put latex on?
  19. The Mistress behind butt #1 is.....Me! Congratulations to Jeriko, Edgar, and Dashan! My butt and I will reward you accordingly the next time I see you As for the rest of you who guessed incorrectly, your assignment is to look at any and all pictures of my butt every day. You'll be retested very soon...
  20. Kind of reminds me of a certain sexy dance a certain someone performed for me in the Pink Room
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