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Mistress Mina Jung

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Everything posted by Mistress Mina Jung

  1. I forgot about her sod. Ok new question, would you rather....have all your teeth pulled or have your cock severely slashed with the intention of removal? Death is not an option. Go!
  2. http://www.foxnews.c...test=latestnews After dumping his dentist ex-girlfriend this guy naively decides to go to her with his toothache. I guess seeing him in the chair was just too tempting for her and her broken heart that she removed all his teeth after heavily sedating him. I don't condone what she did, as I'm not one for revenge. I believe the universe has its own way of taking care of things but I did find this amusing. My favorite part is how his new girlfriend dumped his ass for having no teeth now LOL. Poor guy, I'd love to pimp him out, boasting his killer gum job abilities, might as well find some use for him. What is your take on revenge?
  3. Hope you have a great time tonight! :)

    1. Outcast


      Thanks a lot Mistress Jung, next time I see you I can demonstrate some new motown dance moves :D I had a great time. Thank you so much again!

    2. Mistress Mina Jung

      Mistress Mina Jung

      Can't wait to see those moves ;-) I wonder if you will a) impress me, B) entertain me, or c) fail miserably.

    3. Outcast


      Well Mistress Jung, as I have said and you have seen, I'm a total spaz so (A) is out of the question. Maybe I'll make you laugh so probably somewhere between (B) and © :)

  4. Yes bisa. My hot breath (highly erotic) applied to your ear (highly erogenous) does make for an amusing time (to say the least).
  5. Falls in? Are you dating Thumbelina? I can honestly say I have never "fallen" into a toilet because the seat was left up. I do have an IQ over 20 so maybe that's why
  6. Anyone see Lake Placid? Betty White can Double Domme with me anytime http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MV-fZGxKZak
  7. I'll answer you, but first you must answer me. What prompted this question bisa?
  8. Thanks woffy! Since you're taking a stroll down memory lane, I have three words for you....water bottle incident I will never let that one go.
  9. I just discovered Seth Macfarlane's cavalcade of cartoon comedy and I can totally see you loving it as much as me! How did I not hear of it sooner!? :)

    1. Outcast


      I'm glad you got turned on to it. I love Family Guy too . If you have netflix streaming you can check out some old episodes. Great stuff!! My favorite character is Quagmire for obvious reasons ;)

    2. akiravn1


      Family Guy is also one of my favorites.

  10. I love hearing an enthusiastic slave willing to prove his submission...
  11. I can see those big, pleading eyes already.
  12. Mr. Moz! I also had a great time with Mistress Chen putting you in your place. I hope you are behaving yourself or else...
  13. My last post was intentionally ambiguous. You will find out which one when I see you
  14. I will gladly do that for you sod
  15. Happy weekend to you :-)

    1. Outcast


      You too Mistress Jung :) Have you been showing off your beautiful feet with this gorgeous weather?

    2. Mistress Mina Jung

      Mistress Mina Jung

      I most certainly was until it got all chilly again so I'm back to boots :( I did get a new pair of sandals in anticipation of sunnier days to come :)

    3. Outcast


      Awwww you'll be wearing them soon. Sexy sundresses and sandals are coming soon . Can't wait!! I wish our session was scheduled sooner. I'm really looking foward to it :)

  16. What if I said you were my *favorite* dirtbag? I bet that little modifier makes all the difference LOL
  17. You don't consider dirtbag a term of endearment?
  18. LOL, you just keep on being the dirtbag that you are. I like you that way
  19. Don't worry, shepherd, we have many clever "distractions" that are sure to help you deal with it
  20. Reading that description really did crack me up. I love how you answered so seriously and objectively. I may just have to skip the shower before the next time I see you ;-)

    1. Outcast


      Hey Mistress Jung, was I funny without trying to be funny :). If you don't wish to shower next time please feel free. You always smell delicious and I can only imagine your natural scent is just as sweet. Am happy to see you however you decide :)

    2. Mistress Mina Jung

      Mistress Mina Jung

      I don't know how I would describe my natural scent. I will leave that up to you. If I like your description, maybe you'll get a reward, if not, well, you'll see ;)

    3. Outcast


      I can only imagine it as sweet,feminine, and delicious. I can imagine your sweat would charge me up having me crave more,to taste it and get lost in it in a state of euphoria:)

  21. Thanks sod! I'm glad you can see I genuinely enjoy myself while kicking your ass ;-)
  22. Happy Friday!

    1. Outcast


      You too Mistress Jung, I need a break. Been crazy busy!!!

    2. Outcast


      Thank you for sending a hello. You know I'm always excited to hear from you!! Terminally in check! :)

    3. akiravn1


      Happy Friday to You as well Mistress and I hope that You have a fantastic weekend.

  23. I just visited Paris for the first time this past fall. I can see why every girl wants to fall in love there.
  24. I recently saw Hostel 3 and can confirm it is awful. I don't even recall a story line, however I did enjoy this scene very much http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTEtWDeB0eo
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