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Mistress Mina Jung

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Everything posted by Mistress Mina Jung

  1. Hi lashee! We will all enjoy that! I was just thinking of you, I got a pair of black rubber rain boots! They are so new and shiny, I have to take a pic and show you. Happy new year!
  2. LOL, that would be an idea for a session, yoga class! I have waaaay too much fun coming up things to play with you :-)

  3. I just read your comment on my bedtime photo. Ummm, who are you again? I've forgotten already...

    1. purgatorio


      Mistress Jung, you remember me. I'm the 'happy accident' you had when you had to replace that new Mistres (Yao) cause she was supposedly sick. But I'm sure you enjoyed spitting in my face, making me watch what you'd look like on top, and having me lick your feet like a thirsty dog. Then I told you to read my story....ringing any bells? I also loved your "In Rainbows" turntable tube show. anyway anyway anyway....ciao.

    2. Mistress Mina Jung

      Mistress Mina Jung

      Hmmm, doesn't ring any bells. Seems you're that insignificant to me.

  4. The doctor is in...and she will see you soon ;-)

  5. Happy new year woffy! Here's to another year of reformation....

  6. Happy new year bear! I thought of you while doing happy baby in yoga today :)

  7. May be too young for the era, but I'm not too young for good taste in music. Of course I know the Stones!

  8. I wanted to wish you a very happy holiday season too! And...I just wanted to see how long it would take you to reply hehe ;-)

  9. It was fate that brought us together ;-) Perhaps one day if I'm so bored and watching paint dry is no longer entertaining enough for me, I'll check out that story ;)

  10. What post are you referring to? I didn't remove any.

  11. I wish. Imagine all the things I could do with those two extra little fingers....
  12. Lucky guess ***BONUS ROUND*** One can easily see that none of the hands in the picture are mine, as I probably have the most distinguishable right hand. Does anyone know why?
  13. It was a very lucky person who took that pic...me! :-D

  14. Yes a session with you and Mistress Zhao sounds like ufc fun. Maybe some WWF roleplay, mZ and I can be the bushwhackers :-D

  15. I carried a watermelon!

  16. I just noticed your signature with your posts :-) Don't tell me you know Dirty Dancing!?

  17. For me, sploshing is just kinky fun. This has been tickling my fancy lately and I've been dying to have some good ol' messy fun, only the opportunity hasn't presented itself yet The scene I keep fantasizing about in my head involves Reddi Whip whipped cream, yellow cake batter, chocolate dream pie (made by me), my bikini clad body, perhaps a girlfriend or two to add to the fun, and one *very* lucky guy.
  18. I hope you still have a bit of remembrance of me sending shivers through your body.

  19. Yes, our time together is always FUN. If I had to come up with three words to describe our sessions, they would be fun...twisted...tender :-)

  20. It must be that voodoo doll we have of you that we keep locked inside a centrifuge ;-) Hope you are well.

  21. LOL, Mistress Zhao's comment just reminded me. Fruit basket!

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