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Mistress Mina Jung

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Everything posted by Mistress Mina Jung

  1. The lyrics are so fitting, don't you think? :-D

  2. Can you still feel me relentlessly staring into your face?

  3. Just wait til Wednesday....

  4. I am really into natural scents when they compliment my olfactory senses. Given these circumstances, I would take a man with a little BO over a man doused in cologne any day. My favorite natural scent of all is the smell of unlaundered bed sheets. To me it's comforting, intoxicating, and a bit of an aphrodisiac. If a guy's lucky enough to get me back at his apartment, the first thing I like to do is entangle myself in his bed sheets and breath them in, then dare him to come and find me....
  5. Can't wait to see what you came up with for Friday :-D

  6. Welcome back! I am quite well. I had some nice relaxing time at home so now I'm extra frisky ;-)

  7. Hi danny, thanks for the well wishes! mKang is just fine and dandy as always! :-)

  8. Although an avid reader, I've never really read any BDSM literature. Obviously I get my fair share of play at the Fortress but I also get a healthy dose in my private life as well I find almost all my interactions with anyone I encounter to have the potential of being quite titillating if carried out in my own little cat and mouse way. Ironically, I prefer contemporary fiction, pretty much "vanilla" main steam, Oprah's book list kind of stuff for my reading choices My imagination is naturally warped
  9. That is long! You need to hit the reset button and you know just where you need to do that
  10. Hope you have a great Thanksgiving too! :-)

  11. I'm always happy to add some clarity to your life ;-)

  12. LOL, that post was directed at me silly, and was not in response to what you wrote. Awwww, aren't you the sensitive one ;-)

  13. Oh there you are, you know I hadn't heard from you in what felt like a month. I think you're losing your stalker status...

  14. Good one phred! I used to love Oasis
  15. I'm always right ;-) But what were you referring to?

  16. Yes I am wild, amongst many things ;-)

  17. I think Mistress Chen and I clearly demonstrated one of my favorite scenarios that cannot be done alone
  18. Both Mistress Chen and I left that evening with big smiles on our faces. I will say, you took us both like a champ, which only makes me want to turn you out even more...
  19. Hello my little slut. I'm so happy to hear you had a great time, as did I It's always fun getting to destroy such a pretty little thing.
  20. I really want to see you "rise" to our challenge next time
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