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Mistress Mina Jung

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Everything posted by Mistress Mina Jung

  1. September is just around the corner. If you can summon up the courage to take the plunge and come to the Fortress, no matter who you session with, your unworthy ass won't regret it
  2. I'll wear the black and you can wear the blue. Only it will be more of a purpleish-blue and you won't need any clothing.
  3. My favorite color is purple so I am usually drawn to it, but I also love pink and red.
  4. Ahhh, a cocktail, the beach, and having my feet worshipped. That sounds like a perfect summer day! I always recruit some lucky guy to put oil on my back for me
  5. We were really enjoying it ;) I love playing with Vu. I think our schedules are very opposite and I don't get to see her much But when I do, its always fun!
  6. LOL! I went to this beach when I was in high school. It was June of my senior year. Me and two of my girlfriends cut class to check out this infamous nude beach and get our tan on! We stood out front a liquor store and got this guy to buy us a bottle of peach schnapps, hahaha! We had fun, but the crowd at the beach was not what we were expecting! Ahh memories!
  7. What an awesome set! Ree, you look super hott!!!
  8. Look at you, having to get your 2 cents in! I recall being offered your neck and shoulder massage, which I took you up on, but there was no mention of FOOT massage. I have yet to experience this so called mean foot massage.
  9. Think what you like about soccer. But no love for South Korea!!?? Grrrrrr! :angry:
  10. Why are you perplexed??? Explain. Did I not show enough enthusiasm the last time I saw you as to tip you off to one of my favorite activities? Hmmmph! Guess I was too easy on you. Oh man, wait til next time!
  11. LOL. Ree, you never cease to crack me up!!
  12. Grrrrr, Woffy! Why should I have to ask? You should have offered up the information! You deserve a mean paddling for that!
  13. You can bet that I'd RSVP to a foot worship event of any type. I looooove having my feet pampered. I like having them massaged properly with soft neat kisses all over.
  14. I loooooove summer! It's my favorite time of year! I have a trip to San Fran in mid July. I'm so excited, I've never been before! I also plan on days at the beach, outdoor music and festivals, rollerskating in the park, and wearing all my favorite little sun dresses After a long winter, it feels great to sweat and not be cold as usual. And....watching the World Cup. Go South Korea!!
  15. Are you making excuses for you lil' bitch ways? Oh you soooooo need a slap in the face....
  16. Probably too long to post. Give me a condensed version.
  17. prskydiver, go to our website and look up booking. if you have any questions, Anna is great and will be more than happy to help. then be ready to fully surrender your balls over to your Mistress
  18. Thank you Per. I must say, you are a good top and know what you are doing!
  19. Well you're a little bitch, so of course you would be afraid!
  20. Be careful what you wish for, hehehe I love playing with Tan. We will have our way with you...
  21. Thank you martillo! I can't wait to keep pushing or should I say gently coercing you into more and more things that I enjoy!
  22. I always have so much fun with you lashee! I'm was so happy that you brought me the innocent little rubber flogger to play with
  23. Thank you Per. You were great! Enjoy your time in NYC
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