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Mistress Mina Jung

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Everything posted by Mistress Mina Jung

  1. Spockme, I'm looking forward to using a new electro toy on you!
  2. We certainly do Our styles compliment each other very well. You will just have to see for yourself!
  3. This is true. I do prefer my bottom's bottom to be nice and rosy!
  4. Of course I did! Why else do you think I made it that way???
  5. Yes you Ray! Brownie points won't get you anywhere with Mistress Jung. That was one of your first lessons. Do you remember the others? I doubt it. You need constant reinforcement.
  6. Hahaha, oh spocky, look at you trying to be all ambitious. I don't think that you could hurt me either! But its not about the pain, its about the power play. When I domme, its a total power rush. I'm in complete control of my sub. But as a sub, I have to control myself. The contrast is exhilarating. Like sitting in a sauna, then jumping into an ice bath; the contrast is shocking. Plus, subbing helps me see into the head of my subs. I know the little tricks they are trying to keep some form of control, to keep some little bit of themselves hidden from me. I am still your Mistress and you are still my slave.
  7. Oh yeah, is that big game thing on today? I'll probably watch a bit as soon as my baking's done. I made a batch of chocolate chip cookies and just finishing up double fudge brownies right now. No better way to spend a Sunday than baking away
  8. Are talking about my hand or my wooden spoon? You seemed to be fond of both! HAHAHA! And no correcting your Mistress. If I wanted to throw beautiful in there I would have, brown noser!
  9. Has your greenery grown back yet for me to tend to? We will discuss this further when I see you. How is your mother doing?
  10. You would never get any work done!! Then you would be punished for your lack of productivity!
  11. Good. You are making progress. My sweet yet firm hand will guide you (along with everyone else here on the forum LOL). Trust me you will get to explore many new and exciting things when you come in.
  12. Hey Fender, You are not the only person who has felt that way. Just browse through here on the foroum and you will see. But you'll also notice that those who were a little reluctant for whatever reasons took the plunge and are a better man for it I've never heard of anyone regretting that decision. Hope to see you soon
  13. Oh that's just another day in the office for us
  14. Thanks! I am very fortunate to have my health. I did it for rejuvenation, as a way to flush out toxins from my body.
  15. Hahaha, only if you dare. We do enjoy ourselves when we get to session together!
  16. I did the Master Cleanse once about 4 years ago. I did it for 7 days and it was very intense. I usually do not go more than an hour or two without eating so 7 days with nothing was probably the most out of my mind thing I ever did. It did get easy after about day 3 but I don't think I'll ever be doing it again. I didn't feel like I gained that much from it, so why put myself through it.
  17. I'm sorry to hear about your mother. We can discuss more when I see you. When is your birthday? And yes, I'd love to provide you with much much torture on your birthday!
  18. And not just nipples...Your whole bod is hott mZ! And you too Vu!!
  19. This thing looks awesome! The Turkish are also very anal (haha pun intended) about their cleanliness. Who can blame them? I always find it enjoyable to "freshen up" after a trip to the bathroom.
  20. I am not offended. Like Jessy said, what you see if what you get.
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