Fetishes, fantasies, and fun oh my!
For me, I don't know when or how my some of fetishes started. I don't even think I realized they started until they were already in full bloom.
Similar to Mistress Kang, I've always found great pleasure in applying make up to my old boyfriends and guy friends, or even just the challenge of begging them to let me do and the satisfaction when they gave. Nothing too crazy, just things like nail polish, eye shadow, some lip gloss, Ooo and definitely mascara (why is it that so many men are blessed with such beautiful lashes?!). I'm hoping to find a very special Sissy all my own
I've alway gotten off on getting my way with men either through pure charm and batting eyelashes or with a quick, sharp tongue and some clever manipulation. This I can kind of guess where it came from. I was a pretty late bloomer. Guys/boys didn't really start noticing me until I was around 17. And I know that hardly qualifies as a "late bloomer" but in my school, boys and girls were "going out" and "hooking up" since were around 11 years old in 6th grade! Man, did I feel left out! So here I am 6 years later, and all of a sudden guys my age and men (real live men!) start paying me some attention. And I loved it! From it just kind of escalated, from getting the attention to wanting to be in full control. Interesting stuff, huh?
I haven't thought about my high school days in awhile. Hmm, now this got me fired up. I would love to get to play out something from high school in a session real soon