Being John Malkovich is one of my all times faves ? Adaption is up there too but haven’t seen it in forever. I’m going to see if I can stream it somewhere! I’m going to check out your other recommendations jayman!
Yessss! Loved 1917 ? I saw it in an IMAX theater and was so glad I did. With popcorn ? Does everyone know how much I love popcorn LOL.
Be well jayman ?
I know what you mean. Usually in crisis I can really feel people coming together. Like you said not to discount the various workers saving lives and keeping things that much more comfortable for the rest of us but this does feel different. My guess is because this is so contagious and anyone can potentially infect you so defenses are high and understandably so.
Work out at home. It’s never been my thing. I don’t have the same motivation or enthusiasm...I would looooove a good wrestling session right about now!
What I’ve watched recently:
Unorthodox. It was interesting learning about the Hasidic community.
War of the Worlds. I think I got into this more because of what’s going on now.
I’ve had a few neighbors get pretty snippy with me LOL. But I get it, everyone’s processing their fears and stress in different ways.
Foot traffic has practically disappeared. Still so surreal seeing the city like this...
Jojo Rabbit! Just watched it last night. Probably not for everyone but I really enjoyed it. Very clever humor and lots of subtleties that cracked me up!