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Mistress Mina Jung

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Everything posted by Mistress Mina Jung

  1. Looks like you've received lots of great advice already gmig! So what's going through your mind now, have you taken the plunge and emailed booking? Like many have mentioned, it's perfectly natural to feel a little nervous. But with great risk comes great reward
  2. My phone (much like her owner) enjoys going commando often
  3. I can't wait to get my hands on those...
  4. Thanks for posting Sunya! Wow, I remember that song, it brings back memories! I thought it was so funny but even as a teenager, I remember thinking, "Well duh, who would want that?" Happy Friday to all the teeny weenies out there! And jj boy - "short short man" was the "clean/radio" version LOL. Of course the uncensored version is much much better!
  5. Sandal season is here! My favorite foot perv must be psyched! ;-)

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    2. Outcast


      Totally honored!! And happy we have a rain date to meet. I'm so looking forward to seeing you :)

    3. Mistress Mina Jung

      Mistress Mina Jung

      I'm in the mood for a pedi. Bright pink or red? I'll let you chose ;-) It must be your lucky day!

    4. Outcast


      Wow !!!! It really is,my lucky day!! Any color would look great on your sexy toes but to choose,bright pink is my choice .Your new,leg and feet pics are great!! Can't to see you on my massage table ;)

  6. Of course not I would LOVE to show off my Hello Kitty collection to you!
  7. Hey sod! As always, it was really great to see you! :-) Those eggs were really yummy!

    1. Outcast


      It was GREAT seeing you Mistress Jung. It was so much fun!!! I'm still wondering what was behind curtain 3. Maybe next time ill find out. I'm glad you enjoyed the eggs. Happy Easter :)

    2. Mistress Mina Jung

      Mistress Mina Jung

      Curtain 3 still awaits you! ;-)

    3. Outcast


      Like the cat, my curiosity is going to get me killed one of these days. But if I'm with you at least ill die smiling :)

  8. Yes, gives me the chills thinking about it. I'd like to call it sensual terrorization.
  9. woffy! So you're *that* guy in a yoga class. I wonder if I could spank a fart out of you. Hmmm, we'll have to find out...
  10. I think it's fun making things "one size fits all" What's a little discomfort to please your Mistress?
  11. Your post made me think of this video. [media=] [/media]
  12. Hey van, just email booking and let them know you'd like access. They'll take care of it from there
  13. I would never subject my dog to such a thing. But one of you boys, that's another story....
  14. Don't you worry bradley. We're still going to have our day in court with you. And the verdict is......
  15. LOL it was in my head all night Sunya! We should do it! Then we can let subs earn a *chance* to see our version.
  16. Thank you bull. I surely enjoyed my time slutting you out. And I didn't even realize I was sending you home with a "souvenir!" How thoughtful of me! I think next time I will have to explore further.
  17. Uh oh, did someone mispronouce Mistress Zhao's name? I'm sure she corrected it AND you right away!
  18. I haven't seen it in its entirety but I can kick Robert DeNiro's ass then make him kiss mine!
  19. I did too. I find that I can usually connect with people who share my sense of humor. Oh yeah, and had perverse childhood fantasies
  20. I love to incorporate role play with CFNM scenes including cuckolding, humiliation and smothering.
  21. Yes and as your lawyer, you would confess everything to me in confidentiality. But little do you know, I will use that information against you, leaking your secrets to Zhao and Haru, so together, all three of us can take you down!
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