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Everything posted by spockme

  1. My session with Mistress Ahn was quite remakable. First off she entered the room with a tight shiny black short dress . her face was beautifully made up and she looked quite inticing and sexy.She makes you feel relaxed . I was in a state of hypnotic splindor .She is fantastic ,brutal bur fantastic in her torment of you .She used rope throuhout my three hours for c b t which was very painful. Likewise nipple tortur was painful the whole time.She is so beautiful that when she is near and close you feel helpless in wanting her but you know you can not have her.She is intelligent caring but a harsh MIstress. I will dream of her punishment and her beauty . I can not wait to see her again . The Fortress is suprreme in it's presentation of so many wonderful Mistresses. It is safe and clean Thanks to Empress Grand Mistress Kang for leading this band of Mistresses so well FSL Spockme
  2. A Happy Thanksgiving to the Fortress FamilyMistresses , clients ,all. A special thanks to Mistress Kang for running a special place so we can worship beautiful Doms,switches etc. and fulfill our fsantices. A special thanks for being a beautiful caring person that you are. Fs Spockme
  3. Dear Mistress Zhao, You have the tools to be another Bethoven. I think Bolero would be good for you to play when administering pain.Perhaps Brahms symphony #5or Mozart's symphony #41 in C, Schubert"s symphony #8 in B nminor all different but following your pain and pleasure philosophy. Well anyway im would be honored if you played me to fit your musical inclination your pain with the needles wa hard and i hope you enjoyed giving it to me. I will keep in mind youe sensitivity t o pain notes out of tune with ypur harmony. FS Spockme
  4. Dear Mistress Ahn, My compliments are well earned.You are most beautiful and a true Minister of pain. Anyone who sessions with you will not be disapointed .In our session I noticed you were reacting to my pain . Question for you and other Mistresses who might be reading this.I know you are a professional but do you ever get hot keeping it to yourself of cource, because of what is happening to a Sub you may answer this on the other forum if you like.FS Spockme
  5. Dear Jessie , Thank you money is tight wise decision as usual FSL Spockme
  6. Dear Docture Mistress Minni Chan, You are a web of symetry, well said. i offer my devotion to your mental control of me when i see you. as i stated in another posting i am truly afraid of your power over my mental state of being . we had great write ups concerning deep pockets of thought covering inner workings of thr spirit i miss the give and take. you broke me twice i am devoted to your superior power over me , see you soon FS Spockme
  7. Gear mistree Seung, Thank you for the reply, I found you easy to honor with my pain. I am glad yo enjyed me , How do you think one can build this trust with you and really have you believe a subdevotion and desire for you. i find a wall sometimes put up by a mistresss which can harm transmission of one;s true feelings . i would like to see if you can allow sacrifice and devotion to reach your inner self. for me this is most important for you to accept ones hearth through pain dedication.You are quite beautiful and smart , it would be easy to get into a true slave - dom relationship FS Spockme
  8. Dear Mistress Ahn, In the session yesterday your beauty was mystifying. You gave me the impression of a princess of the court . you also was quite involed with your Mistress friends in planning and executing my pain therapy. you added unigue ideas and i noticed your real excitement in doing them to me . It also was obvious that you enjoyed my pain . I recommend you to all for a a great session . You are quite a mistresss FS John
  9. Mistress Zhao has beautiful work on her . they cover a large part and the workmenship is outatanding.
  10. Dear Mistress zhao, In our session yesterday i found you to be quite enchanting but also enjoying the pain you gave me . During the session you mentioned noise from the sub. could you explain how you would like a sub to react to you while reciveing heavy pain so it is not too much noise
  11. Dear Mistress Seung, I found you quite facinating in our session , you seem most intelligent besides boing beautiful. while you r friends and you were punishing me you mentioned to me in between my screams how you like a person to be a real submissive to you . Could you explain further what he would have to be like?
  12. Supreme Being Kang, I had the pleasure of a session of three hours with mistree Kang . I can not really express her her in words but i will try. her intxicating looks , a beayutiful face and fantastic shape leave you wanting her to be near her. joyfulness and friendliness is amaszing as she keeps her Dom role to the highest level . her knowledge of playful and painful techniques leaves you on edge in a session . You never know what she is going to do.She truly enjoys administering pain to you .You are left exhausted but yet wanting more. Is She really the queen of the Fortress ? Yes yes yes Long may she rule FSL John
  13. Well i survived . I had a session with three new MIstresses and Mistree Kang . THe three Zhao, Sauing, Ahn are all beautiful woman you feel like you are in Mistress heaven.well congratulations to Mistree Kang for finding such pleasant woman for the fortress. All three have bubbling enthusiasm and good sense of humor .Each is different in their nature but they all enjoy inflicting discipline and pain . they really enjoyed administering pain to me . You feel so lucky to be in their presence.any of the three are more than worth seeing, they are special.Of course Mistress Kang is who she is beautiful and so special. The fortress is raised to new heights with the nrw and prior Mistresses, enjoy them FS Spockme
  14. I just had a session with Mistress Zhao and Kang.MIstress Zhao exhibited a sharp sense of humor and also had a sharp wit about her , she enjoyed disciplining me with a smile on her face . She is very pretty and makes you feel that she has girlish qualities.Her looks and actions are intoxicating I recomend her playfulness punishment . Of course what can be said about Kang but she is supreme in looks and actions.
  15. Toby , Wow that sounds wild . i would like to ride that ride literally.so far you are in the lead . where are the Mistresses, we need their input .
  16. For Your Complexity: While the blue moon above us arches And the poplar sheds disonsolate leaves, Tell me again why MinniChan bewitches And what Minni Chan gives, Is it the trmbling finger that traces The eyebrow's curve , the curve of the check? The mouth that quivers, while the hand caresses,But cannot speak, No, not these is hidden The secret , more than in other things; Not only the touch of a hand can gladden Till the blood sings, It is the leaf that falls between us, The bell that murmurs, the shadows that move, The autumnal that fades between us, These things are MInni Chan
  17. Mistresses and fellow Fortress lovers . If I weree to build an amusement park for BDSM fun and games I would need your help in designing some interesting rides and games . Can you come up with some and if possible we can vote on the choices after i collect a few. Of course if a mistress wins we can have a seeion with her to demonstrate. -Spockme
  18. Each day brings with it the trials of life ,finance problems ,relationship problems ,illness etc.Would it not be great to find a mental escape for real anxiety. i think i finally have in my life ,the Fortress. Mistress Kang is my pill for meta physical medicine. Mistress Chan is a bridge to mental stiumulation . even if one can not see a mistress every day one can dream of their effect on themselvs. I am lifted to a land of feelings from MIstress Kang that transcends all my real problems and allows me to focus on her tie in to me .A world of devotion and feelings an escape from reality. They are always with me and i can turn to them to help move through the hard daily times . I am fortunate to have found Misttress Kang, Mistress Chan etc.
  19. Mustanngt , I find your thoughts are really a person's dream to escape the harsh ness of reality. i have learned to use my association and sessions with the fortress as my escape and dreams of traanquilty. My devotion to Mistress Kang and tie ins to others really as i think about it gives me an escape to feel for her and them ,,,, which leads to an escape from reality. Dream on as the leaves fall and the wheather turns cold my miond is warmed by Kang , Minni Chan .......
  20. Dear Mistress Vu, My experience with you was one of contntment, You were my first experience at the Fortress and i had several more. you inspire warmed and your Body worship leaves ome longing for you. you make a person want more of you your seren beauty coupled with your punishment leaves a sub lonmging for you.FS John
  21. Dear Mistress Kim, Happy birthday and happy halloween. Dressed in fine oriental silk dress with your hair up. you would then apply many needles to me to show off to your friends as a tirck gone bad. of corse at some point the treat would be your disrobbing and beattng me .well a lille perverted but what a thouht I would honor the abuse . By the way i still have your panties. FS Spockme
  22. Doctor Nistress Minni Chan, Your expertice leaves a a person wanting more of your self. your sessions are deep in mind control and painful in the physical.your Beauty is is a gift to experience.Your Doctorate in mind control suits you well. I admire you to the fullest feelings. you are special FS Spockme
  23. spockme


    Dear Mistress Kang, Your personal input and friendly interaction is what got me to try the Fortress and BDSM. A form puts things in a different feel. < but i can see a short form to help you out . But it would be different feeling.FSL Spockme
  24. Dear Mistress Kang , Paris will never be the same ,have a safe trip FSL John
  25. I had two , mistresses in 2 hour succeeding sessions by direction of mistress Kang Mistress KIm was using needles and beatings but was sweeter than mistress chan who was getting a pound of flesh for Mistress Kang . she was hard on me cock ,ball beatings , dildo work , slapping, mental manipulation. well i was totally wiped out for 4 hours of torture. Is it worth it yes they are great at what they do. FS Jo0hn
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