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Everything posted by spockme

  1. Dear MJ, Thanks for answering Please read the book , It contains secrets for your life to improve Which I want very much FS Spockme

  2. Dear MJ , Hi how are you feeling ?Have you started to read the book.Any questions we can talk further when I see you Spockme

  3. Hi,how are you feeling ?Have you started reading the book .will you have a study group ? hope to se you soon Spokme

  4. WBoy Do you find her alluring ,and sweet which makes you lower your guard ;then bam she is bringing the pain . Is she not one of the best at that ?I think she uses her beauty to captivate you and like a spider once in her web she will enjoy her meal.Spockme
  5. Dear Mistress Ree, How are you feeling ? I hope you are still getting the benefit from the energy.Yes my writing seems to please the spelling group at the Fortress.Thank you for the response FS Spockme
  6. Dear Mistress Zhao, I am so happy to hear how you are feeling .I am glad my spelling pleases you .Are you thinking about the study group? FS Spockme
  7. I recently had a wonderful session with Mistress Jung . She exhibits sincerety and joy to you combined with truly a great beauty. She caused much pain with a 100 hard shots to my Balls and mostly my cock,with a wooden paddle . also she enjoyed hiting the souls of my feet a first for me which hurt a lot. we also ventured into a deep subconscious connection . If you want to feel wonderful and also have great pain She definately is a great session to have.Her overall effect is outstanding .Great Mistress ,great session .FS Spockme
  8. I just recently had a great session with Mistress Zhao.She got more radiant as the time went on in the session . we reached a point of one as we explored pain and deep inner feelings . Mistress Zhao is so compelling , beautiful and intelligent . She takes you to the pain treshold while also merging ones inner spirit. I can only say a session with her is one you will treasure in body and spirit By the end of the session her beauty and radiance was a picture of perfection . My mind is waiting to be with her again .I already miss our connection. FS Spockme
  9. Dear Mistress Jung, That sounds great thinking of you doing that is very tempting and scary add that to other activities we have done in the past and it sounds like a great session. Dreaming is fun .Spockme
  10. Dear Mistress Choi, My point is simple your look does not present what you can be as a mistress in session . but I agree with your thoughts ,you are right to see you is one thing but to interact with your personality is what is important . Anyway that hair style is quite becoming,you look great.Spockme
  11. Dear Mistress Choi, You really look great. You still have that unique sweetness appearance so deciveing when you are being "sooo" Rough and tough .At least that is what I remember in our sessions . Actually you do make me feel like a pussy thinking about seeing you . You do look different with that hairdo only personal interaction can tell if you still are so sweet looking. Spockme
  12. Dear Mistress Choi, You really look great. You still have that unique sweetness appearance so deciveing when you are being "sooo" Rough and tough .At least that is what I remember in our sessions . Actually you do make me feel like a pussy thinking about seeing you . You do look different with that hairdo only personal interaction can tell if you still are so sweet looking. Spockme
  13. Dear Mistress Kang , I would not like a mistress covering her eyes . I need to see and feel her response to me . I would wear a mask to hide my identity if you asked me to do something fro pictures or in public. FSL Spockme
  14. wait hopefully Sept.I am a bit upset I have sent many eemails to Mistresses and Jessie with no response ,am I an outcast?Well I will keep you inmy thoughts what kind of art are you into or is it just writing?

  15. MZ,That sounds great,I wish I could see you to further your progressenergy lunch .I have given a lot of money to my children this summer to help them out. Otherwise my only recourse is a visit to the fortress .I have

  16. Dear MJ,I been thinking of you lately a good sign I think .Are youinterested in seeing me ?WE never finished what we started.I can help you with my energy practice also I have worked with some of the ladies .well just thinking of you Spockme

  17. Dear Energy friend ,MZ, I remain your energy friend and slave I trust all is wellI miss hearing from you .I have hsad some personal obligations which prevented me coming to the fortress Hopefully I will return in a short time .You mentioned you now are into some form of art what is it I can start sending waves to you for it .FS Spockme

  18. Dear MIstress Vu, Happy Birthday <You asked for a poem , hope you read this Spockme
  19. Reeolphin >Gad to hear you are feeling well I think my fish died because of low oxygen content in my tanks . I went away and where I live the electricity went out causing my filters and feeders to go off ,with the 100 degree days that was it .Pemember I choose to help you and other Mitresses as your energy Practitioner ,I hope to be considerewd your friend I will send you another energy wav...

  20. Dear Reeolphin, I have been away Hawaii, I had a mix of torpical fish I use to have salt water also . I lost also outside fish Koi in a pool on my property. I really am interested in you and how you are feeling so I can adjust your hollograhic waves . I am holding up my end as a friend for you . Hope to hear from you Spockme

  21. MZ,Glad you are feeling so good. The energy seminar was unbelivable wish you came with me . Thanks for responding. We will focus on your art work when I see you and do energy waves for you . I now am at a Practitioner level for energy work . Going away for a 19 days . Peace for you Spockme

  22. Hi Reeolphin , Miss hearing from you , you seem involed on the forum good for you , Howmare you like to hear from you to maintain proper contact for your energy work I just lost a tankful of fish about 50 fish ,do not know what went wrong, God bless Spockme

  23. Dear Energy friend ,still fine I trust I was thinking of you and feel mayby you would like me to focus on your music career as an intention in our next energyt session or anything else you may want remember I am your energy slave God's speed Spockme

  24. Dear Mz, How are you doing ?I miss you and can not wait till I can see you . I got involed with MK I would love to progress further in our energy experience.

  25. I can assure you that a visit to the Fortress is a great experience . The Mistresses are all Professonal and will be quite skillled as to your request . I have seesoned with Mistress Ree and Mistress Zhao a number of times They are both fantastic .Donot be worried it will be great Spockme
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